Little Things that make go Hmmm......

I was absolutely furious that Club Indigo was burnt down but what ya gonna do? TIIC can't write a decent story for their faves so how they going to know how to write anything for RJ. However, I thought that "Bo the hero" was a bit much. My gosh, the man is older than both Hank and RJ yet they have him crawling through the window to save those ladies in distress. Oh give me a break. RJ is the youngest, the most agile and the most in shape, you gonna tell me they couldn't even allow him to be the big hero. Nope, not on JFP's watch. During the whole fire scene I felt that Hank should have been allowed to be a bit more concerned about Nora than was written, after all Nora is the mother of his daughter. Of course, JFP would like us to forget that they have a daughter. So what we got was a bunch lame dialogue of Bo talking to a passed out Nora about how he loves her. Yada, yada, yada and then Nora wakes up to Bo. Granted RJ was upset when he realized that there were people in the Club but I guess SYKO showing up just made it all the more worse for me. The guy was a crooked cop for many years and now MR Self righteous gets to show up at the scene. BIG BLECH!!!

April, 1999, The End of Club Indigo

Hank, RJ and Bo are at Club Indigo now. Firefighters are putting the fire out. RJ runs starts running toward the club and Hank stops him, "Hold it RJ." RJ: "I gotta get in there and help put out..." Hank: "Let the firemen do it."
Bo calls to the fireman, "Hey, Hey" The firemen tells Bo that the fire is out of control. Bo points to RJ and tell the fireman that RJ is the owner and he should talk to him(RJ). Bo: "RJ come here." RJ: "this, this is my place. What, what does it look like?" Fireman: "Bad. Anyone inside?" RJ: "No, I as the last one out and I locked up." Bo: "How long ago?" RJ: "Huh? An hour ago, maybe less." Bo: "Stick around. When this is over, we need to talk." RJ: "I'm not going anywhere." Bo: "I hope nobody gets hurt." RJ: "Oh God, this shouldn't have happened. This shouldn't have happened." Hank: "Don't worry about it, alright? It's not your fault it was an accident" RJ: "It is my fault. I'm responsible." Hank surprised, "What are you talking about? What do you mean?"
RJ recovers quickly, "I uh, well if it was your place you feel responsible too, right?" Bo: "Do you have any idea how this fire started." RJ: "No." Bo: "The fire department is gonna need answers." RJ: "Well I don't have any for them." RJ walks away looking like he can't believe he let the fire happen. Hank worrying about RJ says to Bo: "Oh man, he didn't need this that's for sure." Bo: "Just be glad this place is empty that fire's moving fast."

Inside in the ladies room Lindsay can hear the sirens and starts yelling for help. Hank, RJ and Bo are standing behind the barriers and Bo asks, "Did you hear that? Someone's in there." RJ: "That's impossible." Lindsay is still yelling for help. Bo: "You can't hear that? Where does this lead?" RJ: "That's the ladies room." Bo runs over to the dumpster, "Come on give me a hand with this thing Hank." Meanwhile Lindsay is yelling. "Help. We're in here. We can't get out." Bo: "Hold on. Hold on, we're coming in after you." Lindsay, "Please, help." Then Bo recognizes her voice, "That's Lindsay Rappaport." RJ: "She wasn't even at the party." Bo yells, "Lindsay?" Lindsay: "Yes." Bo: "Hang on, we're coming in."

Bo is inside now and helps Lindsay out through the window. Lindsay worries about Nora. Hank and RJ help Lindsay crawl through the window. RJ is desperately trying to help, to do something when Hank says to him, "Look, RJ the firemen are trying to get there. Come on. RJ: "I am going to go in after them." Bo: "RJ, no. Get Back. No. No." Suddenly a beams falls to prevent RJ from going in. Bo yells out, "RJ? RJ?" RJ: "Yea, yea, I'm alright. Look they're trying to you from the other side." Lindsay: "They're not going to get out of there. They're not going to get out of there." RJ: "Look, don't say that. Come on." Then Lindsay says, "It's not my fault, it's not my fault." RJ: "I know that. I'm sorry. I know." Hank is standing there listening to RJ and Lindsay and gives RJ a puzzling look. RJ to Lindsay: "Okay, okay, come on, right over here." RJ and Hank lead Lindsay over to the paramedics and they tell the paramedics that Lindsay had been inside. The paramedics are tending to Lindsay while she worries about Bo and Nora. Hank tells Lindsay to relax and let the paramedics take care of her. He tells her that he and RJ will go back and if they can help. As they walk away RJ says, "What the hell were she and Nora doing in their anyway?" Hank looks at RJ, "When this is over RJ, we need to talk." RJ: "Fine. Fine. Whatever."

Later by the medivan, "Hey, they're out, they're alive." RJ: "Thank God, they're alive." Hank: "Now, RJ I want to know what happened in there tonight." RJ: "You know as much as I do." Hank demands, "I want you to tell me you had nothing to do with that fire, RJ. I want to hear from you..." And up walks Sykes and interrupts, "Yea, I think I want to hear the answer to that question myself." RJ: "Well since you geniuses have figured it out - you don't need me." Hank grabs RJ, "RJ." RJ is angry now pushes Hank's hand away, "Don't do that to me ever again," and RJ walks away.

Little things that make me go hmmm....
Ohmigosh, the dialogue is so bad and inconsistent. The conversation between Hank and RJ just jumps all over the place. Hank telling RJ he should get a lawyer but then the next breath he is saying he is trying to prevent it from turning into an investigation. No sooner does he say that then he is acting like he thinks RJ is guilty but he doesn't really want to think it. I mean, puhleaze, if anyone should know that even if RJ did set the fire that he wouldn't set it knowing two people were stuck inside. Geez writers, do you talk to each other. Like RJ said, What kind of question is that about RJ locking people in there regularly and if not why did it happen last night? I couldn't believe it. Maybe Hank should have remembered that he kept pressing RJ to come over to the Palace to have a drink with them.

Oh don't let me forget Tea and that simpering look she gets on her face. Oh poor, poor RJ. Oh RJ when did you get like this. I am surprised they didn't have Tea say again, "I wish I would have seen this coming." I guess I have to thank the writers for small favors. Well, maybe not because instead she says, "I know how much of yourself you put into your club." HUH, how did she know. Oh yea, maybe it was when she and Rachel, (remember Rachel her best friend?) would stay up late at night talking about Uncle RJ. Maybe Tea was really interested in someone other than herself and money back then and that is how she knows how much RJ put so much of himself into the club. That reminds me, why doesn't Tea ask good ole Uncle RJ how his niece is doing? Then maybe, just maybe I would believe all this about how Tea knows so much about RJ.

The interrogation. I think I would have preferred Bo or Lisa to interrogate RJ. Talk about someone that is not capable of being objective. What a jerk. This guy who allowed charges to be pressed against RJ for a crime he knew RJ didnt' commit should not be anywhere near RJ; and then not to mention that there is Tea between them Not that I understand the Tea thing, but still RJ lost his cool the night before. Yet Bo and Hank allow Sykes to be the investigating cop on RJ's case. What a joke. I loved RJ though. He was so cool.

The next morning RJ arrives at the police station and Tea is there. RJ: "Hi. I came down to make my statement. Whenever Ace Detective is ready." Tea: "RJ, I'm so sorry to hear that your club was a total loss." RJ: "Yea, gone with the wind." Tea: "Well, I know how much it meant to you." RJ: "Yea, well I guess I'm out of chances to insult you in public and make your evening miserable." Tea: "Well, that's over. I've forgotten that already." RJ: "Thanks, but I owe you an apology. I was out of line." Tea, "Oh well, I accept your apology. So, what are going to do? Club Indigo was such a wonderful place. I know how much of yourself you put into it." RJ: "Yea, yea. I feel like I went up in smoke, too." Tea: "It's okay, everthing...everything's going to be okay." RJ: "Is that your glass is half full speech?" The scene ends.

Later Hank and RJ are standing in the police station. Hank: "Have you called a lawyer?" RJ: "Lawyer? You think they are going to charge me?" Hank: "I didn't say that." RJ: "Well, look I did not set the fire that torched my place. So either you guys believe me or you don't. Now some guy in a suit sitting next to me isn't going to change that." Hank: "Have you ever locked your place before with patrons inside?" RJ: "No I have never locked a patron inside before. What kind of question is that?" Hank: "Then why did it happen this time?" RJ: "Beats me." Hank: "So were you in a hurry when you left?" RJ: "I wasn't running out, if that's what you mean. Look, I came down here to make a statement, this is starting to feel like an interrogation." Hank: "I'm trying to keep it from becoming one." RJ: "It's always great to have you in my corner, Henry." Hank: "Well, that's what brothers are for. Look, now I saw you when Bo brought Nora out of that building and you looked bad." RJ: "Well, even I feel bad when people I care about gets hurt."

Then Sykes walks up and asks RJ if he is ready. RJ responds, "Yea, let's do it." As RJ walks away he looks back at Hank and Hank looks like he isn't sure if he believes RJ or not.

RJ and Sykes are in the interrogation room by themselves now. Sykes: "You know you're entitled to have a lawyer present." RJ: "I haven't done anything that would require a lawyer." Sykes: "Let's begin with your statement." Sykes turns on the tape recorder, "This is Detective John Sykes present with me is RJ Gannon, April 15, 1999. Time approximately 1:30 pm. Mr. Gannon's statement in reference to his observation last evening both inside and outside of Club Indigo prior to last night's fire. Mr. Gannon." RJ: "After the party I closed down the Club. I bagged the days receipts for the night deposit, put the garbage in the ally, turned out the lights, locked up and left." Sykes: "You didn't notice anything unusual, smell any smoke?" RJ: "No. Nothing." Sykes: "How would you describe our frame of mind at the time?" RJ: "Hmmm, waht are you talking about?" Sykes: "Well, were you angry, upset?" RJ: "About what?" Sykes: "About an argument you had earlier in the evening." RJ: "An argument. What argument was that?" Sykes: "Well, that was the one you had with me. When you were under the influence of alcohol and you acted in an aggressive and abusive way." RJ: "Well, that's the way you remember it." Sykes: "There were witnesses. You know I think it's reasonable to assume you were still angry and upset when you went through your evening closing routine. Now maybe, just maybe you neglected to notice a fire hazard or maybe you started the fire yourself." RJ: "No chance." Sykes: "Really?" RJ: "Really, detective, you see I wasn't angry or upset by closing time because I didn't take our little argument seriously no more than I've ever taken you seriously." Sykes: "Well, you'll take this seriously. Why don't we talk about insurance?" RJ: "Why? you selling that on the side now? You know you really do have a face for it. But thanks, I have all I need." Sykes: "That's cute RJ. Good. You couldn't pay distributors for beer and liquor but somehow you always managed to make your insurance payments, didn't you?" RJ: "Is that a crime now?" Sykes: "No. No. What about your partner, Max? Did he make any of these decisions with you and by the way, you have any idea how we can get in touch with Max?" RJ: "Wish I did. Maybe you should be talking to him." Sykes: "Oh, I'm sure we will. Which reminds me, you know we did get a chance to speak to your banker. She happened to mention you're almost in bankruptcy." RJ: "It's no secret we need money." Sykes: "Bad enought to collect insurance?" RJ gets upset leans over, "you can turn that thing off. I've made all the statement I'm gonna make and for the record - NO, I did not torch my place for the money or anything else." Sykes: "Don't leave town. I'm sure we're gonna want to talk again." RJ leaves and runs into Hank. Hank: "Hey, you ok? Anything I can do to help?" RJ: "Well, yea, yea transfer Sykes to another country. He's just about to really tick me off." Hank: "I think you better get a lawyer." RJ: "I don't need a lawyer." RJ leaves.

TDS A collection of TDS's Photos Timothy's Soap Articles
IMHOs Straight Talk w/TDS 04/99 The End of Club Indigo
04/99 Tea Visits RJ
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