Welcome, Beast Warrior. I decided to revamp the logo, giving it a unique design as well as not rely on the BW logo. Beast Wars Aqua is based on a Japanese-style theme, and I've given each of them a gunblade, designs based on those mean and lean lookin' weapons used by Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8(thank you Square for such a kickass game :). This war takes place on the small but Energon rich planet of Hydros-3, where Leviatron, the Destron Underwater Emperor of Destruction, has lead his band of Destrons on a quest for Energon to fuel the Predacon/Destron cause. Led by Whale Convoy, a team of Cybertrons hope to stop them and find a means to end the war. Each Transformer is capable of invoking the raw power of their very Spark, but for limited periods of time before requiring to transform back to beast mode to recover. Hydros-3's surface is 98% water, and in order to facilitate effective movement, Transformers of both sides DNA scanned the local wildlife, clones of Earth animals left by Terran scientists to populate the vast empty oceans, as alternate modes. Thus continues a new chapter in the Beast Wars saga!


Welcome to the Cybertron Aqua Forces! Our warriors await your inspection, Maximal comrade!
WhaleConvoy, Cybertron Aquatic Forces Commander
Blue Bomber, Cybertron Bombardier and 2nd-in-Command
Recon, Cybertron Reconnaissance
Shell Shock, Cybertron Defence Specialist
Hot Rod, Cybertron Melee Combatant


Megatron did say you were coming, so the Destron Underwater Unit specially prepared for your arrival, Predacon friend.
Leviatron, Destron Underwater Emperor of Destruction
SledgeBite, Destron Hunter
SmokeScreen, Destron Ambush and Surprise Attack Tactics
OctaKill, Destron Multi-roled Attack

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