Scene I: Between Iraq and a hard place.

[The Professor and MaryAnn are investigating new... Oops, wrong Professor!]

[Professor LANDRY and his trusty videographer FOSTER are filming a documentary for the Discovery Channel in the tomb of the unknown Zorro, Astrian. They come upon the stone statue of Astrian, complete with black cape, mask, and bolero hat.]

LANDRY (reading the hieroglyphs on the wall): "...the legendary Zorro, Astrian."

FOSTER: "Wow! He's almost as stiff as Duncan Regher's Zorro!"

[The lights flash on and off quickly, then a red spotlight targets the STATUE.]

STATUE: "My name is the Ultimate Evil. You mocked my series. Prepare to die!"

[LANDRY flees as the STATUE carves a large Z through FOSTER. Lights out.]


Scene II: Landry's quarters

[FOSTER in Zorro hat and mask is sitting at a desk with a pen and Landry's journal.]

FOSTER: "McMillan. No, have to worry about the wife."

FOSTER: "MacGyver. No, too clever."

FOSTER: "McCall. No, too tough."

FOSTER: "McCoy. Damn it! He's a doctor, not a warrior!"

FOSTER: "MacLeod. Hmm... Connor or Duncan?" [pulls out and flips coin.]"Duncan it is!"

[FOSTER scribbles in Landry's journal as lights go down.]



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