As this site is about Zoe Tay, an actress from Singapore, you can see that over 60% of the visitors are from Singapore. Don't ask me where or what is "Old Style Arpanet", I've got no idea at all. Can anyone out there enlighten me?
Which Browser Do They Use? 73% of the people out there uses Internet Explorer! But don't be too happy, Microsoft... people are probably using it because it comes with their Windows OS, these people are too lazy to download the over 14MB Netscape Communicator. Well, maybe they're not lazy... downloading a 14MB file takes up too much time!
Which Operating System Do They Use? Almost everyone uses Windows 9x. I'm surprise that there're still people on Windows 3.x! Only a few Mac die hard fans out there, probably graphic artists.
What Day In The Month Did They Come In? Nothing to comment on this one, quite random... maybe more when the site is updated. They cut off the capturing of data on 14th April, that's why the count stop at 6.
What Days Of The Week Did They Come In? Everyone goes shopping & have a good time on Sunday. The next day when they go back to work/school, Monday Blues hit them & they start to surf the net.
What Time Of The Day Did They Come In? Productivity drops after lunch, most people feels sleepy after a heavy meal and starts to surf the net. Work slowly comes to a complete halt from 4pm when everyone prepares to go home and warms down by surfing. The web servers are also busy after dinner, some prefer to watch TV, while the rest go to their computers.