Stephen is looking at a picture on the wall, dressed in
a very unControllish sort of way. Painter's smock and
multi-coloured scarf. Hugh comes in, and starts talking
before he sees Stephen.
Hugh Morning Control. Sorry to bother you with this
but ...
He sees Control and is slightly startled by his clothes.
I was wondering ... whether ...
Stephen Morning.
Hugh Morning. If you'll allow me to say so, Control, you
appear to have radically changed your appearance
and manner of dressing.
Stephen Ah, we've got a little bit of a crossed line here, I'm
afraid. I'm not actually Control.
Hugh You're not Control?
Stephen No.
Hugh Well now I don't know whether I'm coming
or going.
Stephen Don't worry. I'm Control's twin brother. How do
you do?
Hugh Oh I see. How do you do? You really do look
awfully like Control, you know.
Stephen Yes, people have frequently remarked on the
similarity between myself and Control, it's true.
Hugh My name's Tony.
Stephen My name's Control.
Hugh Sorry?
Stephen It's a bit confusing but you see my mother could
never tell us apart right from the day we were
born, so she decided to call us both by the same
name. She called us both Control.
Hugh You mean Control is Control's real name?
Stephen That's right. Oh dear. Have I been indiscreet?
Hugh Not at all. It's just that I always assumed that the
name Control was just a cover for Control's real
name, which was a closely guarded secret.
Stephen Well, of course, I've always known that his name
was Control. Just as I've always known that my
name was Control as well.
Hugh You could knock me down with a feather.
Stephen I expect I could if it was a large and heavy one.
Hugh Yes. So. Do you happen to know where Control is?
Stephen I'm right here, as it happens.
Hugh Oh no! We're confused already!
Stephen Oh, you mean my brother Control!
Hugh Yes.
Stephen He's presently painting an erotic mural somewhere
in Earl's Court I should imagine.
Hugh Oh dear. I may need a lie-down soon.
Stephen Before you go to that extreme, Mr Murchison. I
assume you are Tony Murchison by the way ... ?
Hugh I am. Though the way things are going perhaps I
should say "I think I am!"
Stephen Yes. I like you already, Tony, if I may call you that.
Hugh Please do.
Stephen I was going to explain that I am something of the
Black Sheep of our family. Control is a widely
respected chief of the Secret Service and I am a
not very respectable painter, though with a certain
following in the louche areas of the metropolis.
Hugh With you so far Control number two.
Stephen And the thing of it is that Control asked if I
wouldn't mind changing places with him: me to
run the Secret Service for a week, he to have a stab
at painting an erotic mural in Earl's Court.
Hugh Ah. I expect he's wanting to keep his undercover
hand in.
Stephen Very probably. So, Mr Murchison, have you got
any secret documents you'd like me to sign?
Hugh Well Control number two, I just need your
permission to allocate funds for the purchase of
the new safe house in Kensington that nobody
knows the address of. Here are the estate
agent's details.
Stephen (Looking through) Oh, no Murchison. I can't
possibly authorise our spending money on a house
which has floral carpets and plain curtains.
Hugh Ah.
Stephen And look at the wallpaper in the hall. Far too busy.
Hugh Right. I'll get to work on finding something more
Stephen Yes please.
Hugh Meanwhile ... would a coffee be helpful at all?
Stephen Well, I'd love a lemon tea if you can manage it.
Hugh Well well well! Control?
Stephen Yes?
Hugh Even if I hadn't guessed earlier I'd know now that
you aren't the real Control. Because Control?
Stephen Yes?
Hugh The real Control never has lemon tea. Always
Stephen Voh!
Hugh One lemon tea coming up, though.
Hugh (Blindfolded sipping first at a glass
of red wine and then at a glass of
white) It's a trick. They're both
red. (Taking off blindfold) Well,
well, well. That's extraordinary.
Ha, ha, ha. Don't show this
will you. I'm a wine merchant, I
shall cop frightful stick at work.
Good Lord! Ha! (He's not that
amused in fact)