

	Stephen and Hugh are going through letters.

Hugh		Hello.

Stephen		Certainly. You know, we've had, as you can see
		from these post bags, the most marvellous response
		to our Name Quest.

Hugh		That's right. We know that a lot of you out there
		have known or met people who have amusing and
		unusual names.

Stephen		So we asked you to write in and tell us about them.

Hugh		And what crackers you've told us about!

Stephen		(Reading) "There is a man who comes to wash
		my windows once a month whose name is Jervillian
		Swike. It always makes me laugh a great deal." That
		was sent in from a Mr Suckmaster Burstingfoam of

Hugh		I'm rather fond of this one: "Dear A Bit Of Fry 
		and Laurie, I was at school with a boy called Donald
		Duck and later went out with a woman named Soilia
		Piffin. Yours etc. Peter Cummin-Myear."

Stephen		Five pounds on its way to you for that one Mr
		Cummin-Myear. Or how about this one "Dear A
		Bit Of Fry and Laurie, My wife's first husband
		was called Simon Coggie. I still split my sides
		whenever I hear that name. Yours faithfully Frigmy

Hugh		Tremendous response all around. Many thanks
		to all of you who wrote in. Meanwhile ...
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