
Computer and Web

Alright, those books haven't too much to do with Hamburg and travelling, but they help me a lot with building my pages.

So since they help me why shouldn't they help you as well?

Sams Teach Yourself HTML 4 Sams Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 Hours by Dick Oliver
This tutorial offers a crash course in Web-page design without omitting any important topics. Author Dick Oliver helps you to hit the ground running and builds your knowledge of HTML 4 and Website design in a fast-paced, yet complete, manner. Textbook conventions such as Q&A, chapter reviews, and exercises keep you on track. Even if you've never worked with HTML before, after your 24 hours of study you'll be ready to build your own Web site with ease. (Amazon)
Paint Shop Pro 6 Power! Paint Shop Pro 6 Power! by Lori J. Davis Paperback
How to become an expert user of the world's most popular graphics program for creating images... Paint shop pro is ideal for creating images for Web sites, presentations, logos, and editing photos. A detailed guide to teaching readers practical knowledge about PSP, this book covers both basic topics such as layers, animation, filters and photo editing and more advanced techniques such as 3D effects, and creating textures and metallic effects are included. This book focuses on all general graphics issues, not just Web graphics, and is therefore al alternative to Adobe PhotoShop.
Using HTML 4 Special Edition Using HTML 4, Fifth Edition by Molly E. Holzschlag
This detailed tutorial on HTML 4 is for those who are willing to invest some time. Author Molly Holzschlag not only covers HTML in depth but also puts Web-page design in the appropriate context of overall design methodology. By addressing issues such as color theory, font technology, database tuning, and push technology along with the tutorial, she teaches you how to code Web sites and helps you build general knowledge of many related disciplines. This is good food for aspiring Webmasters.
XML in Plain English XML in Plain English by Sandra E. Eddy
If you're already an accomplished Webmaster, "XML in Plain English" may be a nice secret weapon. This compact reference crams tons of useful reference information into a paperback small enough to stash in your laptop carrying case. Author Sandra E. Eddy not only delivers a basic XML reference but also provides an English language look-up table for those occasions when you know what you want to do but forget the appropriate instructions. XPointer and XLink references are also included, as well as character code tables and URLs for Web sites with related information. This guide gives you the preparation you need for coding on the bleeding edge.

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