------------"Bruce Wayne" is a very well mixed cd. 21 tracks, says the back cover, make up the cd, while it's only really 20. Of the 20, some are not up to the standard of other Esham cds. Songs such as "Chnage Ya Mind" and "Seems Like Yesterday" could have been made better. These songs were either too slow or the lyrics were not as tight as you would expect on an Esham cd. Other songs, however, go well beyond the standard where these fall short. Songs such as "Lowlafalana", "Fuck Da Fame", and "Detective" turn this cd into one of Esham's most notable ones. To be compared to another cd, it is closest to "Dead Flowerz" than anything else.
___It has some slow songs, some songs with dance beats, and some classic "Esham-esque" tracks. By this, I mean that some songs have a style that can only be found on other Esham or Natas cds.
This is pretty much a unique blend of kickin bass, a steady rythm, some sound effects, and tight lyrics. The slow songs could have been thrown out, as they are not exactly Esham's best works. These are the two mentioned before, as well as one or two more. The song with the dance beat, "Where My B At", would have fallen short due to the music, but because of the lyrics mixing in with the beat, this turns out to be one of the best songs on "Bruce Wayne".
___In this cd, Esham asks "Who Is Bruce Wayne?" It looks to me as if he is a rapper who created a decent cd, though varying from the essential Esham themes, anti-religion, suicidalism, and "horrorcore". And while it is less offensive than other cds of this rapper, it is does not fall that far behind them.