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Author - Serr Dyno
-------------A full 3 months have gone by without any real updates, except maybe for one or two here and there. We are finally back in this shit. We had not been able to get things done, as both Bruce Wayne and I were in the middle of moving and setting shit up in different parts of the country, but it was nothing related to this site (or music, for that matter). In the coming months, you'll definitely see more reviews and quite possibly some interesting interviews, if we can hook shit up right. No names just yet, since it is all speculation at this point. What you will see are two specialized sectios, hopefully, one for me and one for Bruce Wayne. Since neither of us live in Portsmouth anymore, we were thinking of changing the name to something less constricting, but that probably wont happen for the sake of nostalgia. At any rate, I ope you like what I thought of MOI, one of the most anticipated cds of the year, and we hope that you come back soon and check out what else will be going on. Pz out but stayed tune. (Oh yeah, remember my list of shit I have been listening to lately, which I discontinued a long-ass time ago? That novelty might just be coming back, just to let you know.)
Author - Bruce Wayne
-------------With the year being more than half way over, there really hasn't been much happening in terms of big releases. But as the summer months begin to heat up, so do the cds that are about to drop. With that being said, I first would like to name the best three cds to drop this year (in my mind): 1.
Lowdown - "Underground Classics", 2. Duke - "A Gift Before Im Gone", 3. Minority Militia - "Peoples Army". Keep in mind I have only picked up a limited amount of cds that have dropped this year, and there really hasnt been much to choose from. It will be a test of time to see where these three cds stand six months from now, as there are some great cds on the horizon.
___In less than a week, two of the biggest cds this year are about to drop:
Young Droop - "Moment of Impact" and Esham - "Tongues". Both of these cds have the potential of being one of the years best, and I am sure come six months from
now they will make the list of top cds for 2001. So make sure you go to your
local record store next Tuesday, June 19th, and the one following, and pick these two cds up. Some other big releases that should come some time this year that could potentially be the number one cd of 2001 are Crooked - "They Fear Me" and Hurrikane J - "Blame It On My Stressin". While there is no release date on these two cds, when they finally do drop I am sure they will be some of the best cds this year.
___Aside from the four cds I just mentioned, there should be a ton of new
cds coming out the second half of this year. As always, expect both Darkroom
Studios and Lowtown Records to drop a handful of cds. Also, it has been
confirmed that Bootleg of the Dayton Family has signed to Overture and is
working on a solo at the moment that should come out sometime this summer. Black
Market Records plans on releasing a Best of Lynch cd some time soon, but no
one really knows how this cd will turn out to be and it might just be another
quick money solution for Black Market Records. Hopefully we will also see
another release from Siccmade this year, but with a shaky past in terms of
release dates, nothing can be guaranteed. Also expect to see MadMan Records
start releasing some new projects to help jump start their label.
___I would like to also mention one more thing, and that is Sacramento
rapper Sicx is now facing major jail time with some shocking news that has
just surfaced these past few days. It seems it has made the news and
everything and, though Sicx hasnt been convicted of anything, things dont
look good for him. If you want to read the whole story, go to 91siccness (its
in the link page) board and see what its all about.
___Make sure to come back soon and hopefully see if Serr Dyno and myself can
get back on track and start doing some more reviews. I have a ton of new and hard to find stuff in my possession now so look out for all new reviews very
shortly. So help support the page and make sure to be on the lookout for all
the cds I mentioned.
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