S/V Tethys French Polynesia Photos
South Pacific island at dawn  (12564 bytes)
A dawn approach to a South Pacific Island is a most beautiful sight, and an exciting experience.
Makemo moorise over motu (19752 bytes)
A full moon rising over a small motu in the Makemo atoll. We crossed the lagoon to avoid a lee shore anchorage and spent 4 days behind this island. Several boats joined us and we had evening bonfires and pot luck dinners ashore.
This is the life sailors dream of.
Makemo beached sperm whale (20305 bytes) sperm whale (19944 bytes)
A dead Sperm Whale washed up on the reef at Makemo. Must have been there for a while 'cause there was a fairly pronounced smell downwind from the decomposing flesh.
Moorea waterfall  (13256 bytes) octopus hunting in the shallows (18929 bytes)
Moorea waterfall. Ua Pou and Moorea are the two most spectacular islands in French Polynesia. A local resident. We watched as this octopus moved along the shallows  spreading its body and tentacles over bits of rock and weed while feeding.
Paul Gaugin grave, Hiva Oa (17857 bytes) Jacques Brel grave (16810 bytes)
Two travellers who fell in love with Polynesia, and Polynesians, are remembered in Hiva Oa.
Paul Gauguin on the left, with headstone at the foot of the grave. And Jacques Brel on the right.
altar rock (18920 bytes) Ua Pou Marae (15034 bytes)
Found this decorated stone in a churchyard in Moorea. A traditional Ua Pou house on top of a marae.
fairy terns (10012 bytes) red jungle fowl (14235 bytes)
Pacific Fairy Terns overhead. A red jungle fowl with 4 legs. This hen had about 6 chicks hiding beneath her.
fairy tern egg (20979 bytes) fairy tern (19964 bytes)
This is a Pacific Fairy Tern nest. The egg is balanced on a branch of a low bush. This is an excited parent close by.
Tahiti dancers (17931 bytes) Tahiti dancers (16667 bytes)

Traditional Polynesian dancing is being revived to the enjoyment of all. We spent two weeks in Tahiti and saw several performances by dance troupes from all the 5 French Polynesian archipelagos. This was one of the highlights of our Tahitian visit.

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