Day 1 - Jerusalem



 Another important spot in the church is an altar positioned on the spot where the cross of Christ was placed. I was confused. From what I understood from the Bible and from a number of Hollywood pictures, Christ was crucified on a hill outside of town. However, here we were in a church clearly well within the walls of the city. It was not until the next day that I learned the truth.

Guides at the King David Museum explained that in Christ's days, the spot was indeed outside of the city.


Day 1 Jerusalem
Day 2 Jerusalem
Day 3 Jerusalem
Day 4 Dead Sea
Day 5 Petra
Day 6 Gaza

 The walls have moved around over time. In fact, the Ottomans built the current walls. They are fairly new at only 700 years old.


Below the altar, is a spot that leaves the rock beneath exposed. The faithful will crawl beneath the altar and touch the rock on which the cross stood.



 (Right) This is one of a number of altars and places of worship within the church.




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