Day 2 - Jerusalem



Near the New Gate is the King David Museum. Built into one of the battlements of this gate are displays that provide the history of the city.
(It was here that I learned the city walls have moved over the years.) From the time of King David to the Babylonian Captivity to the Roman Conquest, Jerusalem has more history than I can retain; and, that was just the first one thousand years! Two thousand have passed since then.


Day 1 Jerusalem
Day 2 Jerusalem
Day 3 Jerusalem
Day 4 Dead Sea
Day 5 Petra
Day 6 Gaza

 The inside courtyard of the museum shows layers of history, one built upon the other. For example, just below the scene to the right are the chambers below. These were built by the Romans.

This was my birthday. It was the big 50. It was reassuring to see something much older than me.







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