
Upcoming dives:
Manatee Trip in Mid-December,
at Crystal River

Contact me for more details!

Our recent visit to Devils Den


Recommended dive site of the month is Devils Den, near Williston, Florida.
Once you see it, you'll appreciate it's name. Basically Devils Den is an open cave, exposed on the surface of the ground. In ancient times on cool mornings "steam" could be seen rising from the 72 degree water, through the hole, giving the appearance of and underground campfire; so the locals called it Devils Den. It is truly an unusual dive. Be sure to carry a light. Call ahead first & ask about the visibility. Lots of recent rain causes the visibility to decrease. Also I recommend that you plan to arrive early as divers tend to stir up a lot of sediment too. They have a great picknick & campground area, you can pack a lunch, have your tank refilled, & get in a second dive before you leave or spend the night. They have night dives each Saturday.

Check out their web site.... Devils Den

Got a favorite dive site, let us know where & why and we will post it on this site; and credit you with the suggestion too!

Blue Springs, Orange City, FL.

Please add your favorite dive sight to my guest book!

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Weather conditions at these Florida Diving locations.

Click for Branford, Florida Forecast Click for Crystal River, Florida Forecast Click for Key Largo, Florida Forecast

Click for Key West, Florida Forecast Click for Miami, Florida Forecast Click for West Palm Beach, Florida Forecast

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