VE3FGU Station pictures


This is my main AM/CW station. On the left is a National NC303 receiver made around 1960 and on the right is an E.F.Johnson Viking Valiant 2 transmitter. The transmitter runs 200 watts on AM and 275 watts on CW. This station is used mainly on 160 metres and 10 metres.


Here is a picture of  the high power AM/CW part of the station. The transmitter on the left is an E.F.Johnson Viking 500 and the receiver just to the right of it is a Hallicrafters SX115. This station is used mainly on 80 and 40 metres AM, Next to the receiver is an E.F.Johnson Viking Thunderbolt amplifier which is capable of about 2000 watts power on single sideband transmission. To the right of that is a Kenwood TS830-S transceiver with a VFO230 digital VFO. The TS830S has since been replaced with a TS940SAT. The Kenwood is used to drive the amplifier. Just visible sitting on top of the amplifier is an E.F.Johnson Kilowatt Matchbox antenna tuner. As you can see I like Johnson equipment. Not seen in this picture is the VHF/UHF equipment. A Yaesu FT767GX and E.F. Johnson  6N2 Thunderbolt amplifier does the job on those two bands. There is a picture of the antenna farm on the next page.

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