It started out on Saturday, with sustained 25 knot winds, gusting to over 35. I listened to various NOAA stations and they were listing gusts of 38-40. Very believable. My plan was to put in at Rogue's Harbor (Elk Neck) and head south for the Sassafras River and hide out for the night while the BIG FRONT blew over.
The plan never got executed. Because of the unsavory gusts, I didn't even attempt to raise the main. It was 70% jib only. Without that slot between the jib and main, I couldn't point upwind very well. Sooo, I scrapped going down the Bay and headed for the Bohemia River instead. I hid out in St. John's Creek for a short lunch and then downwind into the Bohemia. The jib alone was catching enough wind to drive me at 6+ knots. Finally reached Long Point Marina, where I tied up for the night.
I got the main booted and the jib stowed below just in time for the black clouds and rain to begin. I walked to town to find a grocery store, came back, cooked dinner, read a little and then lay down to sleep. Sleeping in a minimally protected marina proved difficult. I discovered a slow leak where the mast head light wires enter through the cabin top. Geez, doesn't just about EVERYBODY have a leak there?
Woke up the next morning seeing my breath in the cabin and thinking "That's not good." to myself. I poked my head out the companionway and saw SNOW coming down! The docks were slicked with a small accumulation. Not only that, but the South wind that was kicking hard yesterday was now a Northwest wind kicking just as hard.
Any normal-thinking sailor would've reasoned to stay put and let the snow subside and launch later in the day. I wasn't a normal-thinking sailor at that moment. I finished breakfast and put out to the river. With bare poles and outboard running, I returned to the open Bay and motored back to Rogue's Harbor. Boy, was that cold! I returned through 25-35 knot winds, moderately heavy fog and INTO heavy seas (2' swells w/ whitecaps). I guess the ol' testosterone needed to prove something.
Well, I did make it back to Rogue's okay and I did get the boat back on the trailer. I safely returned home and cleaned up the gear inside. After the gear was put down, I went inside and took an hour nap, dreaming of heaving seas and lines that needed constant adjusting.
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