Home exchange

Learn how to travel... differently and discover this new way of spending your holidays.

Comments, letters and thanks from visitors and former exchangers
Comments, letters and thanks from visitors and former exchangers expressing their satisfaction with this web site. 

Free consultation of hundreds of home exchange offers
Free consultation of hundred of offers for all seasons. Only members have access to the co-ordinates of the exchangers. 

How to become a member of Another-Home.com
Becoming a member: fees and services. In only a few minutes you can have access to daily updated listings.

 Practical advice from a former exchanger
First steps in Home Exchange ? Here are some practical advice from a former exchanger.

.....About us and about home exchange
Frequently asked questions. All about us and all you ever wanted to know about home exchanges.

Members Entrance
Members entrance



Ready to register with Another-Home.com ?


*** One-year access to the Directory

*** Personal exchange profile

*** Up to 4 photos of your house

*** Unlimited destinations

*** A free translation of your profile into French if desired

*** A link to your web page

We have an excellent ratio price/service for Home Exchange

Feel free to visit some other web sites, compare price, quality and service and... welcome back! The membership fee offered by Another-Home.com does not even cost half the price of a one-night stay at a hotel!
And a classified ad in a newspaper costs around $40 for a few lines and only a few days run. Another-Home.com offers you as many lines as you want for 365 days a year!


We have a very wide choice of Home Exchanges in France

To find home exchanges in France, what could possibly be better than searching on a French web site? More than 50% of the members are from France, and the ads are up to date. Another-Home.com is registered with Alta Vista, Yahoo, Google, Lycos, Hotboot, etc. Search for "echange de maison in France" on any of these search engines and you will find us on top! 


Another-Home.com offers personalized service and expert advice

Want to know how the home-exchange process works? Just send an E-mail and you'll get a response the same day! Consult the practical advice written by a former exchanger. Hundreds of exchanges were organized through this web site last year alone! Read what people say about it!


We give you an attractive profile of your home and a link to your web page

You get a description (unlimited words) and up to 4 photos of your house, your exchange request and any other information you consider relevant. Are you the webmaster of a personnal web site? We offer you a link to it or your city, state or country, free with your subscription.


Another-Home.com will translate your listing into French!

By having your ad translated into French, you can correspond with more non-English-speaking people in France, or other french speaking countries. After becoming a member, you may request a translation of your listing into French, and we will do it free!
Second year membership is free if you
don't find an exchange the first year
*this membership special is offered only to Americans
during our limited time promotion offer in USA.

Annual membership fee is $35 US
Check The Universal Currency Converter


 Payment  with on-line secured Credit Card
We accept orders paid with VISA, Master Card, American Express, etc. Your Credit Card will be charged in US Dollars. The statement identifies the charge as having come from Internet Billing Company, Ltd.

All your private information is sent encrypted over the Internet, thanks to the SSL (Secure Socket Layers) system from Ibill. This way of ordering and paying is safer than buying a bread in a grocery store.

Your payment is secured by
Ibill (Internet Billing Company),
authorized agent for Another-Home.com

Payments by cheque in your own currency
You may pay by cheque following these simple steps.


















You may send photos of your house at the same time.

1- By email: send an E-mail file attachment of your photos (.jpg or .gif) to photo@Another-Home.com

2- By snail mail: join the photos to your payment ... and we will scan it for you.

Serge Dugas
10550 St-Urbain,

Montreal, (QC) H3L 2V1

What happens once I have paid?
Once your payment has been accepted, you will receive a user's name and a password allowing you to fill out your form, to view the listings, to add photos of your house and to benefit from the advantages of your membership.

Another-Home.com The inexpensive way of travelling!
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