The alley of the sphinx's at the entrance of the temple of Karnak. This is the largest temple in the world. Buildings and statues were continuously added to it by each pharoah over a 2000 year period. This alley stretches 3 kilometers to the temple of Luxor. The ram-headed sphinx represents the god Amon, who protects the pharoah.

One of the main pylons, which was an outer wall, until more was added by the other pharoahs.

This hall contains 134 columns and are 23 meters high and a circumference of about 15 meters. This area of the temple was built around 1375 BC by Amenophis The Third.

This statue (15 meters high) is of Pinudjem, who was a priest and pharoah in the 21st Dynasty.

The obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut. One of the few that remain today.