Disneyland presents...
"Tom Sawyer Island"

Idyllic and scenic, Tom Sawyer Island is a place where adults go to sit in the shade and escape their wretched children's demands for dolls and burgers. Everywhere on the island you see older folks slumped under trees planning the rest of their day. There are also a few little areas to explore on the island. One of them being...

The FORT whose name I have forgotten. There are many things to do at the fort besides loaf around like a lazy load. You can sleep, rest, hide in the shade, stare at rocks, think about leaping in the Rivers Of America, step on insects, climb over the fence to explore the cabin that used to be on fire but which isn't anymore (this is the same cabin that used to have dead settlers and bloodthirsty savage injuns with tomahawks, this cabin is geting less interesting all the time). You can also, if you are bored and angry with the world enough, go up into the towers on the fort and...

...grab one of the available rifles (left behind by the actual settlers of Tom Sawyer Island) and exact revenge on tourists for the indignities you suffered as a kid. "How dare you beat me up for praising Satan? HOW DARE YOU???" this foolish mortal screams as he decides where to shoot first. Choices abound... will he fire into...

...the inside of the fort? Not many targets here, but they are close and old and moving oh-so slowly...

...or the Hungry Bear restaurant across the river? MANY targets, most of them sluggish and weighed down by tainted Disney meat, but far away and our sniper friend won't be able to see the blood spatter as he hits them. Regardless of his choice, the result will be the same...

...more victims for the mad rampaging demons of Tom Sawyer Island. The bloodiest place on earth.

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Born 9/8/99. Last updated 9/9/99 1