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Tuesday, March 29, 2005 First visit to the dentist for the first time in quite some time. I dislike dentists, they're scary with their torturing devices. The good side is that I survived the dentist today! Sunday, March 27, 2005 Happy Easter! This weekend is an ultimate relaxing weekend. After a difficult time without pop (a.k.a. soda, or whatever you give up for lent), I finally can enjoy Mt. Dew again. I could feel some tears in my eyes when I chugged my first can of Dew last night, and I have to agree that surping a cold Mt. Dew was the best thing ever. I am busy putting up together a proposal travel for our South American trip, trying to get Jason and Beau go with us this winter. Once again, I can be grateful that I know Photoshop and InDesign quite well, as I use these programs to put up together the 'professional looking' proposal. Tuesday, March 15, 2005 It has been quite a bit improvement within the website. I *finally* have a clear vision on my website, as far as how to display my travel log. I figured out that Yahoo! doesn't give you much space for free, and I am working on finding a domain site for my permanent website. This will be quite a challange, so be happy with what I have so far. On a brighter note, I have been keeping up my promise to travel more: between the last entry up to date, I have traveled to Mexico City and Savanna, GA area, including Parris Island, SC. I am looking for a car now, and I think I will get a Jeep Cherokee in the near future. Tuesday, February 7, 2005 PrologueFor the 2005 New Year Resolution, I decide to start re-arranging my life in general. Unfortunately, this also requires a documentation of some sort, and as a modern society, this could be a well-maintained website. For those who know me, you can not put words "Halef" and "computer" in one sentence, meaning that my life will be very interesting in next couple weeks trying to put this website together. I am planning to log all of my travels, as far back as I could remember, in this website. I also will have pages dedicated to my friends and my fraternity. Wish me luck! Archives |