- Belgium Travel
Network - Good simple site with lots of photos so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
- Belgium Tourist Info
- Lots of links. A complex web-site but its all here. I prefer the former link.
- My Antwerp Page - This is my home town in Belgium. Antwerp has thousands of
bars, cafes and restaurants and the people here are fairly friendly.
- My Brussels Page -
The capital of Europe is only 40 minutes away by train
from Antwerp.
Links For Sites Useful to Traveling in Belgium
- Belgian
Railways (& Eurostar from Brussels) - For getting
train times your better off using the Deutsches Bahn
website, honestly! Its a pity cos Brussels has alot of
good rail connections (Paris in 1 and a half hours - now
thats good!). If you ever get off the train in Brussels,
1. Dont get off at Gare du Nord, its not a very pleasant
sight [I've changed my mind its fine], 2. For Grand Place
(the nicey-nicey bit of Brussels) alight at Gare du
Centrale. Dont let the site of the station alarm you (it
looks like a dingy dungeon) it is not as bad as it looks.
3. Zuid Staation [Flemish] = Gare du Midi [French] (if
you want to get the Eurostar back to London and your in
Bruge or Antwerp or in the Flemish part somewheres). Hey
if you ever get a train going through Gare du Nord in the
outward directions (towards say Amsterdam/Antwerp) take a
butchers out of the window (right hand side only), look
down the bank and improve your gurning skills by having a
good pervy at the Brussels prossies strutting their stuff.
A better way to get several options for train timetables
is to use the Deustches
- Virgin Express - The standard in web-sites for
booking flights. Cheap flights from Brussels to all over, in
particular they fly to London at ery good prices. And its ticketless!
- E Bookers - Good and simple web site for booking tickets.
- Connections Useful for booking flights from Belgium etc. I
dont know if they are the cheapest.
- Travelstreet. An online flight booking engine used by a number of travel agencies in Belgium.
- Brussels
Airport Departures Tracking - Track
the status of flights leaving Brussels airport. This is pretty cool.
HANDY HINT: If you arrive at Brussels airport and you want to get to
Antwerp (or vice-versa). The fastest way is to get the coach which is on
the hour every hour and costs BEF 300 (approx 5 pounds stirling or $7).
The coach takes 50 minutes and drops you off directly in front of Antwerp central station.
- Eurotunnel - To take the car back.
Other Useful Links