Last updated by Ian on 25th June 2000

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Nika doin' what she does best

Shocking showers!

One of the locals

Bolivia - fruits good...

Meat is pretty scary ...

Street meat is just FREAKY

One of the few places where the Aussie dollar is worth something

Foetus tea?

Check the "giant" hand

5200m in Bolivia (gaaaassssppppp)

Trekking to Corrico

Middle of Bolivian jungle

Travel insurance required

$1.37 dynamite sticks - cool!

Goin' for it in Potosi silver mine

Bolivian mine devil

Wierd fungus in the middle of nowhere

Uyuni 12,000km2 salt plains

Salt hotel - itchy!

Giant cactus in the middle of the salt plains

Red lake, border Chile

Literally, end of the line - Uyuni

Another potential rewarding career option

Sacrifical Inc altar, Isla de la Sol

Isla Taquile, Peru

Floating islands, Lake Titikaka

Reed boats, floating island

Saqsaywaman (head of the puma) Cusco

Supply station, Inca Trail

Experimental farm, Inca Trail

The trail, going up (& up & up)

No.1 Peruvian delicacy!

Sunrise at Machupicchu (Huaynapicchu in background)

Girls on Huaynapicchu (overlooking Machupicchu)

Our "butt-er" side!

When there's nowhere else to make-out in Lima..
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