Last updated by Ian on 22nd June 2000

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Gemma & Mia #1

Learning about Capitalism

Cute Xmas letterbox....

Thanksgiving 1999

The ugly side of Thanksgiving

Dairy Queen - synthetic hell!!

Only in the USA.....

Wade, Eric, Holly, Rob, Jen - between parties

Rob & Jen

The new GT XCR2000 steed

Beautiful isn't it....

Nika's sweet steed

Just too excited before the first ride

7 mile bridge, Florida Keys

Couldn't afford a roof..

Dinner, Everglades

Everglades chicken

Jen goin' off at Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole Crew

I see RED

Glenda, Jonathon & Ann - New Orleans

Isabel, Sonia & two others hiking up from Aspen

Don't open this - you've been warned!

Ian in a valley - ahhhh - (pic for Mum)

Isabel & Sonia in the buff....

Nika - Snowboard chick! Shredder!

L1, L2 + Soup
Our kids

Child abuse
(frozen lizards!)

We didn't actually see this, but it's a super cool photo!

Brad & Isabel - "working" At Aspen

Board Chick

Ian's new career

Biking Heaven
Slick Rock, Moab

Arches National Park, Utah

More Arches
(where's Nika?)

Peace & tranquility

Big woodie at Zion NP

Windows NP & Indian ladders

Mirage errupting - Las Vegas

Paris - Vegas-style

Inside the Venetian at 11pm - instant jet lag!

"You are so Money!"
$US50 in 5c coins

Lowest point in USA -242ft below sea level

Got our kicks on route 66

Grand Canyon NP

Grand Canyon energy food

Mesa Verde

Chilli fetish - Santa Fe

Home of Elvis burritos, Seattle

Bike Stud - Victoria

Need ... more .... beer

Holly & Elizabeth - Seattle

Jump ....

'cause I've cut the cable

Chainsaw + Redwood =
Tourist Attraction

Make my day punk!

Looks kinda like Disneyland

First night in Auckland

Takahe - 200 left in the world
(taste good too!)
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