Goddag!! Hello!! This page has been updated (10-22-99) so that the the weather page works (and hopefuly will keep working) and
the book section has some books added to the list. In the book section are book about Greenland and books that will help you
learn Danish - and not give up! These are the books that I am using and I think they are the best books (at a resonable price)
that will help get you toward fluency. People the Quiz is working and not one person has tried to answer the questions!! Please try it! If you have found
a bad link, want your Greenland page linked to this site, or have a cool
idea please e-mail me : mark.pernosky@agape.twu.ca
Also, I want to tell everybody that I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
as my personal savior and anybody who wants to know more about it go here
or e-mail me.
Hej / Hi