Dive sites in Costa Rica? Deep Blue Diving Adventures offers more than 25 local dive sites and interesting diving packages with a Hotel Coco Verde.

Dive sites in Costa Rica! Deep Blue Diving Adventures offers more than 25 local dive sites and interesting diving packages with a Best Western Hotel

Dive Sites
We have more than 25 local dive sites from which to choose as well as numerous sites at the Catalina Islands and the Murcielagos (Bat) Islands. Maximum depths vary from site to site ranging from 40ft (12m) to 110 ft (34m).  All of our guides are computerized to maximize your bottom time.
If you are ready for the thrill and adrenaline rush of some of the hottest diving in Central America, and are searching for new pathways into the world of underwater adventure, you owe it to yourself to drop by and join us at Deep Blue Diving Adventures.  

The following is a sampling of our dive sites:
Local dive sites:
1. Virador
2. Monkey's Head
3. Meros
4. Narizones
5. Sopresa
6. Punta Argentina
7. Tortuga
8. Punta Gorda
9. Tiburones

Catalina Island:
10. The Point
11. Northwest Drift

Mucialagos (Bat) Island:
12. Bajo Negro
13. Big Scare

To see more diving pictures with Deep Blue Diving Adventure, visit Geert Brusselmans Web Site

Home Diving Courses Dive Sites Diving Rates Maps Guest Book Contact Us


Local address:
Deep Blue Diving Adventures
la entrada del Hotel Coco Verde
P.O. Box 61 Tel: 011 (506) 670-1004
Playas del Coco, Costa Rica

U.S mailing address:
Deep Blue Diving Adventures
Interlink 293
P.O. Box 02-5635
Miami, FL 33102