Cavern Hole Belltower Abbey Attic Great Hall Gatehouse Cellar Infirmary MAIN |
Here are some Redwall anagrams, or jumbled up words, later these words will be needed to solve some fun riddles! 1. somlfwrse - 1 word - surrounds the Abbey 2. wallldremiraefo - 3 words - sea tossed mouse 3. thlgnorghalefcht - 2 words - avenged here holt's death in POL 4. rltaoesre - 1 word - helped warrior 5. ttmmeioa - 1 word 6. erlfdma - 1 word (this is her place!) 7. rniabcajqeus - 2 words 8.eRdwlal - 1 word, if you miss this one, you haven't been reading, at all!! The Riddles Martin's mother he did slay, Upon his honor, Luke did say, I will avenge thee death, o Sayna dear. The vile stoat then fled in fear. Luke was caught and became a slave, But soon tides turned and the hero's life he gave, To kill the one he swore to slay. The death of Sayna, Luke did repay. Five was taken away by some one cruel, replace a g with a v, and that's what he was. But, his name is not needed, truth is wanted for the name, say the name to win the game.