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Stuart and Jay held court at Table 91 almost every night. Here, Gerda can hardly contain herself as Stuart regales the table with an explanation of the mechanism of tetracycline-resistance.
The Doctors Levy cut a rug with Lisa and Gerda......
But Proud Mary was what really got them going out on the dance floor....
During the Panama Canal passage, the Levy's kept us fascinated with tales of the indiginous cultures and their mysterious, mind altering drink "Coco Loco"
Later that night, we were serenaded into the wee hours by the brothers Levy...

Did you know that Stuart looked like this simply a few scant hours before the inaugural festivities got underway? How many of you prefer the mustachio'ed appearance of our friend? Email him at

Apparantly, the ukele is not the sole musical talent of the Brothers Levy. Here, the paparazzi captured a photo of Stuart (or is it Jay) shaking his maracas in Cartegena....
Ah, but the pool is where the talents of the Levy's truly shone. Here, careful preparation for a double twisting half pike flip resulted in a perfect execution.
The crowd is in awe.
The Levy's extended their prowess in the water into arenas not generally considered as likely for men: Synchronized Swimming. Undaunted by any gender barriers, they took to the sport quickly. Here, they blend in seamlessly in a flawless execution of the Star Formation. BUT the Levy's have not let their skills diminish following the cruise...check out a new synch swimming training regimen by clicking HERE
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