Berchtesgaden National Park

Peaceful scene at the Berchtesgaden National Park

After taking a walk in the town of Berchestgaden, the group traveled up the mountain "Jenner" on the "Jennerbahn" which was like a ski lift type thing and took them up to over 3,000 meters (over 9,000 feet). Then, at the top, they could overlook the beautiful mountaintops of the Alps and then enjoyed a nice hike down to the hut where they stayed for two nights.

During the days during their free time, some participants went with local guides hiking the trails along the mountains while others stayed to ponder their thoughts and take in what they have experienced over the last few days...

Kathleen Cummings (USA), on the left, and Christine Chelus (USA), to the right, sit below the towering peaks of the ALps to reflect upon what they have experienced so far at the summit.

In the evenings, the participants broke up into groups and discussed many different environmental issues of concern all across the world and brainstormed ideas for the global project which everyone will be working on once they departed to their separate countries. On the final evening of their stay in Berchestgaden, the group was "locked" into a room (not really, but just left alone as a group) to discuss and narrow their ideas into one final answer for a global project.

In the end, the group had their hike back UP "Jenner" mountain and the pic below is of the first to arrive to the top!!!

Click to see what the group discussed in the hut!

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