ITT World
Communications Inc.
Amagansett Radio
Southampton, LI, NY
IE 3.0 or later and hear WSL CQ wheel.
In 1969 I temporarily left the sea to try a shoreside position. I
applied for and was accepted for a job at ITT World Communications Inc. as
a coast station operator. The station was located near Southhampton, Long
Is., NY. Transmitters were located at Brentwood (HF) and Amagansett
(medium frequency). The receiver site was the Southampton site. The
transmitters were keyed via phone lines. Brentwood was 85 miles and
Amagansett 40 miles away respectively.
These receivers were in use at the
time I was employed at WSL they worked well on HF, but I believe we used
something else on MF 400 -512 KHZ.
It was quite a thrill to sit at an operator position and be on the
other end of the operations. We used mostly rhombic antennae connected to
HRO500 receivers. The rhombic antennae could be selected with pushbutton
switches. Ships in the Persian Gulf could be clearly copied when the
correct antenna was pointed towards that area. My favorite band was 22Mhz
in the daytime. That was the best DX and the ops on the other end seemed
more appreciative since they were usually on the other side of the
Atlantic or even in the Indian Ocean.
02/28/02 18:15