...a wild secret island paradise...

Tenggol offers a colourful plethora of dive sites with various flavours to satisfy divers with ranging interests and levels of diving proficiency.

Calm coral gardens with their colourful marine life provide an unforgettable experience for beginners... more experienced divers can pump up the adrenaline doing dives in more demanding site where strong curents, deeper waters and pelagics prevail... technical divers too can enjoy their share of action at a nearby yet uncharted shipwreck lying at 150 to 180 ft...


Overview of Tenggol Island & da dive sites nearby... ...


I've paid a visit there recently... wanna know how my trip went?... check this page... otherwise... check out da links...



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 last modified... 15th August 1997
...copyrite © 1997 by DorrFin..