Alaintha's Arena y Mar

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This is me...!

Please check out one of my favorite haunts in Florida...DIAMOND 99 MARINA!!

| Work/Hobbies | Friends | My Travels | Irish Links! Cead Mile Failte...
| Callahan Connections | My Little One | | My Awards |

...I am glad you came in to take a peek!! This what I look like so now all my friends can see who they are talking too !! Please continue through the rest of the pages and browse awhile. I have included some pictures of my dog Bacca and places I have been.... Included below is a list of places I enjoy visiting on the net and I am sure you will also!! Have fun and let me know what you think of it........... I enjoy getting e-mail and I will return your correspondence!

My Little One

A Poem written by me...for all kinds of survivors...

The Girls...

Raven and Rasha!



The GIRLS...TalRasha aka Rasha and Ravenwolf aka Raven. Now that we're all moved into our new house everyone is settling in. If we could get more we would. So please check in now and then as we may have new additions to our family! There aren't enough homes for some of these animals and I hate seeing them without families.!!!COMING SOON!!!... a picture of Rasha and Raven in their backyard.

come have a drink with me at the VIP...


I know most of you have ICQ already, here's my ICQ, #350062. If you don't have it....GET IT!


write me and let me know what you're thinking!



Work/Hobbies | Callahan Connections | Friends | My Travels | Cead Mile Failte, Irish Links!!
| My Little One | My Awards |

updating soon please come back!!!

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