Ohanov - Goilov - Fiechter - Ferran & Co.
About the Family
Trip to Moldova
Family Web Sites

Welcome to the Ochanoff, Goilov, Fiechter, Ferran & Co. "family roots" web site!

This web site started with the genealogy of  my Grand mother Marie Fiechter, born Countess Ochanoff - Goilov in 1895 in Leova, Bessarabia, Russia (a small town now in the Republic of Moldova) and our family expedition to Moldova in 2004 in search of  her ancestors. We only had five names to go by: Ochanoff (Ohanov), Goilov (Goilav), Buiucliu (Buikliu), Von Prunkul and Lebedeff (Lebedev).

Things quickly got out of control as more ancestors were discovered, descendants and consorts were added ( I regret to admit, I lost count of my grand-nephews and  2nd. cousins! ).

I apologise for mistakes & omissions, please send me some feedback... I also apologise for writing it in English, I might translate it into French one day.

Our family is spread all around the world, but we do keep in touch. This must be a side effect of the strong Armenian connection we just discovered! I hope this web site will not only help keep us together, but also help us finding long lost cousins.

The "expedition" to Moldova was great; Everywhere we went, we were entertained like royalty by people who could ill afford to. I hope one day we can reciprocate their hospitality, and do something to help a few children out of their post-communist, mafia induced misery. Not as easy as it sounds...

I sincerely hope you will enjoy browsing through this site just as much as I enjoyed building it.

Monchique, July 8th, 2004

Dr. Jean Ferran


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This site was last updated 07/18/04