Quake Frame Rates
Resolution |
No FastVid |
With FastVid |
320x200 | 42.0 FPS | 44.0 FPS |
640x480 | 12.6 FPS
| 20.3 FPS |
800x600 | 8.7 FPS
| 14.9 FPS |
1024x768 | 7.8 FPS
| 9.2 FPS |
1280x1024 | 5.1 FPS
| 6.1 FPS |
All tests were performed in Quake 1.01 at the start of the game. The computer was a Quantex QP6/200 WS-1 with a Pentium Pro 200 processor, the Natoma (440FX) chipset, 32MB of RAM, and a 2MB Matrox MGA Millennium graphics card.
VSpeed Performance
Test |
No FastVid |
With FastVid |
DRAM-Banked VGA24.95 MB/Sec | 53.98 MB/Sec |
DRAM-Linear Framebuffer28.01 MB/Sec
| 87.72 MB/Sec |
Overclocked Performance
Resolution |
With FastVid |
320x200 | 61.51 FPS
| 640x480 | 26.08 FPS
| 800x600 | 16.22 FPS
| 1024x768 | 11.77 FPS
| 1280x1024 | 7.66 FPS
This test was performed in Quake 1.06 at the start of the game. The computer was a Quantex QP6/200 WS-1 with a Pentium Pro 200 processor overclocked to 233MHz, the Natoma (440FX) chipset, 96MB of RAM, and a 2MB Matrox MGA Millennium graphics card.
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