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Quake and Add-ons Download Page

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It's here: Quake Shareware 1.06!! It came out October 2nd.

Here are the files for the DOS and Win32 versions:
Complete 9MB .ZIP of version 1.06
Seven split version 1.06 files (each fits on a floppy disk): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Version 1.06 Patch for 1.01 (363 K)
Quake Win32 Dedicated Server Version 1.06
GLQuake 3-28: OpenGL Quake for Win95 (needs a 3D accelerator to be playable, has transparent water, mirrors)
QuakeWorld 1.64: Fast Internet Quake for Win95/NT (QuakeWorld page)
Linux Quake version 0.91
WinQuake 1.0: Quake executables for Win95/NT

More Quake add-ons (updated)

My QuakeWorld page
Updated (2-19) Quake Command Summary for the console (some cheat codes are here) (includes QuakeWorld commands)
My QuakeC addon installation page
Fiend Quake FAQ 2.0 (unofficial)
Scitech Display Doctor 5.3a: Previously called UniVBE, this allows many more video modes
Scitech Display Doctor 5.3a: DOS version only (562K)
FastVid: For those of you with Pentium Pros (like myself), this really speeds up the Quake frame rate. Requires DOS4GW.
QuAdS: Great level/QuakeC front end, needs VB5 runtime, included in this all-in-one setup file
IPXfer v.4, an IPX file transfer utility
Qbsp/vis/light source code (Converts MAPs to BSPs)
Beame & Whiteside TCP/IP PPP Program
QuakePPP: Explanation of PPP Quake games. Includes B&W TCP/IP
Quake Server list page
Linux Quake 1.01: executable only

The above sites are often very busy, so if you get an error message, try again later.
Official requirements include a Pentium with 8MB of RAM, but it runs okay on my old 8MB 486/50.
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Last updated August 3, 1997

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