The Net's First Starjammers Page!

Welcome to the only web page, to the best of my knowledge, devoted to what I believe to be one of the few great things to still exist in the X-Men universe: The Starjammers. Created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum, the Starjammers were originally concieved to be an all-new team of heroes with their own comic series. Push came to shove, and somehow they ended up incorperated into an X-Men story, first appearing in Uncanny X-Men #107, where the Starjammers aided the X-Men in stopping a threat to the entire universe; the rest is history. If you don't know about these guys, then you should. Hey, guess you're pretty lucky to have found this page...

Background info on the Starjammers


This page was created and is maintained by Jason Yu.
Comments? Criticisms? Corrections? Please e-mail me.

This page was constructed using a Hewlett-Packard Scanjet IIcx, Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5, Adobe Pagemill 1.0, and Apple Computer's Simpletext 1.3.1, on an Apple Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 578 and a (groan) Macintosh IIcx. Special thanks to Andy Banks for providing me with inspiration; no way in hell will this page ever look as good as any of his (in fact, I know, it sucks...), but at least I have something to look up to. This page might look a bit funky if you're not using some table-supporting browser. 16-bit color helps, too.

Disclaimer (I love writing these): The Starjammers and their distinct likeness are property of and copyrighted by the Marvel Entertainment/Marvel Comics Group and are used without permission. The use of these characters is not intended to infringe on that copyright. No profit is being made on this work (though a note of praise is always appreciated); it is constructed solely for entertainment purposes. This work is copyright of me and may not be used for commercial purposes. Literal hours of time were put into scanning, cropping, and editing these graphics; hence, I'd appreciate it if you gave me some credit and not use them without my permission.