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USA Ribbon Welcome to Convention Listings by Jenga

Jenga is a nickname I earned from running the game Jenga (a game that involves the stacking of wooden blocks) at our local gaming convention.

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Here you will find listings of conventions for gaming, science fiction, fantasy, anime, miniatures, comics, manga, furry fandom and more! Links and information about conventions, events, conferences, gatherings, parties or anywhere two or more people get together can be found here!

This is a completely FREE service. Why do I do it? Because I enjoy gaming and so do all of my friends. I wanted to know where all the fun was and since September 6th, 1996 the list just grew and grew and now I share the list with all of you.

When was the last update?
  • What's New - Visit this page for the latest additions and changes.
  • Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail when this page is updated?
  • NetMind's URL Minder is no more...I have replaced it with service from ChangeDetection.com
  • Please sign up on the What's New page.

How do I find a listing? Try one of my search options:
How do I add or change a listing?
  • Add A Con - To add a listing or change a listing, please use my online form.

How do I find other convention fans? Try one of my communication options:
Still can't find what you are looking for? Check my Link Options:
  • Con Links is a list other convention listing sites.
  • Web Links is a list of other interesting websites like gaming groups and clubs, game companies, gaming resources, convention guests and just cool sites in general.

Since I started this web page, this site has been and will be under a constant state of improvement. Of course, I welcome comments and suggestions to improve my page. This browser friendly page was created completely from self-taught HTML and from the friendly advice of my fellow gamers on the net. If you are willing to give a little advice, your help is always appreciated. Just send a note to...


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