If you would like to see the hit stats on this page click here.
This is a walkthrough stolen from.
Here is a list of all the weapons for all the characters.
This is the list of all the Special Items in the game like key's and cards.
On the link below is the page with all the Accessories like the Wake-Up pin, and the Attack Scarf.
Here is how to convert on timed hits with weapons.
Listed below is all the Hidden Boxes in the game.
This is a list of all the end dudes. (All updated with all end guys.)
Below is all the melody's that you need at melody bay. (A text file.)
Here is a rough draft of the armor list for all characters. (On the same page.)
This is a cool list of a thing you can do with Mallow's Psychopath spell against a select set of enemies.
Here is a good FAQ I found on the internet some where. Good Info. This is a new updated verson.
There is going to be much more added to this page. Special attacks, screen shots, and other stuff.
If there are any additions or subtractions or corrections E-Mail me at meem95@aol.com, meem95@hotmail.com or at meem95@geocities.com.
Microsoft is a registered trademark and the Microsoft Internet Explorer Logo is a trademark of Microsoft.Netscape logo is a registered trademark of Netscape Comm. SuperMario RPG is a registered trademark of SquareSoft and Nintendo. The wallpaper was given nicefuly from http://www.spacestar.com/users/randy/MARIORPG.htm
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