Though we are not now what once we were...
The Ancient Days of Dwarves. For your perusal.
While today, the dwarves are without a homeland of their own, they were once a strong and proud people. There existed, once upon a time, a great dwarven nation - Purla - primarily situated in what is now Steafanoes. This nation predates modern human civilization by thousands of years, and was rich in lore and fable.
By Alre Noconatha. Forgotten but not gone.
Tavern Activities
The Common Room: The tavern's main area.
The Bench: Where the Old Man rests.
The Bar: Where Rancorr revels.
The Booth: Where Sir Mithmore sits.
The Corner: Where Redstring lurks.
The Table: Where Mother Elba relaxes.
The Hall: For adventurers.
Return to The Mantle Library.
The Stairs: For fools.
Mantle Library
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Casters Almanac.
The Merchants Guide to Skylis.
Who is Who.
The Mantle's Library.
The Ancient Days of Dwarves, 909 Edition
Table of Contents

00 || Colophon and Introduction
01 || Tosh Khama : The Age of Birth
02 || Tosh Bhul : The Age of Darkness
03 || Khenkatath : Great Task
04 || Tosh Firok : The Age of Chaos
05 || Tosh Breohm : The Age of Gold
06 || Ankhoman-Nit : First War of the Rock
07 || Dueta-Claidmor : Forging of the Claidmor
08 || Penkhoman-Nit : Second War of the Rock
09 || Khenmuht : Great Sacrifice
10 || Dueta-Kultar : Forging of the Foreplow
11 || Dueta-Khurtunk : Forging of the Squared-Bow
12 || Tosh Haraka (part 1) : The Age of Beasts
13 || Tosh Haraka (part 2) : The Age of Beasts

The Mantle's Library.
Kashthamantesk will return. Nothing lasts forever.
The Ancient Days of Dwarves, 909 Edition.
The original version of The Ancient Days of Dwarves was penned by Alre Noconatha, a well-meaning human sage, in 909. Alre scribed the words of a dwarven elder, one Tekerahk Sul, who told him the great tales of Purlan lore. This is the only known documentation of Purlan history and has seen three revisions since. Here, you will find a copy of the work as it appeared when first written. I hope to purchase a copy of the fourth edition, published in 986, which is full of annotations by sages of history and wonderful illuminations on the text. Until then, feel free to peruse the tome I have, but do so with great care. This book is over eighty years old, and is irreplacable, as far as I'm concerned!
Never yielding. Do you know anyone with the 986 Edition?
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May you find your way home.
Second Sanctum: The Ancient Days of Dwarves brought to you by: Rancorr and great sacrifice. Candle provided by: Clipart Castle.
Last Updated: July, 2002
Copyright 1990-2002 Angelo Barovier