is a search engine that is offering a cool Web browser that give you 40 cents (US) per hour. All you have to do is use there browser which has an advertising bar on
it. The bar can be turned on or off, and when it's on you get paid money to surf the Web (which I do any way!!). You really have to check this out! It's great!
All Advantage is a window that opens a banner and it gives you 50 cents per hour.
Utopiad is the same thing than All Advantage. subscribes to both of them and double your income.
MoneyForMail gives you money for reading their e-mails! You just have to receive them and delete them! You receive up to 2.50$ for 1 e-mail!!!
Epipo will give you the chance to be rich, it's the same thing than All Advantage and Utopiad... It pays 60 cents per hour.