The Great Raven * 05-14-01 The Vengeance League has been shut down due to some new software upgrades on the site. We are still able to play battle though just make sure you write it down and report it later, or confirm later if need be. We have been doing a good job latly, however try to keep the battles you enter somewhat even. It doesnt help the team if you go into a 1v1 when your out weighed by 40tons or more. Most of the guys that play 1v1 battles in the Zone/VL, that is all they play and they are very good at confrontations of 1v1. I myself perfer the bigger battles using more startedgy than just going at each other. Good luck to everyone keep up the hard work and practice hard.

* 05-06-01 Due to Laklars good work in this last VL battle, he was promoted to Star Commander of the ALliance and also rewarded with the Medal of Honor by the Kahn, good job Laklar

* 05-03-01 Last night we won an amazine battle gathering 100 kills for the team and scoring about 35,000 RC's on the Vengenace League speacial thanks to 1st Officer Laklar, for his brilliant effort. Lets continue to do well in VL so we can make our clan even better known. Also good job by the rest of the KR in the battle there, not to leave you out. :-)

Log Book(by months): January 2001, January 2000, February 2000, March 2000