* 03-03-00 Gargoyle has been promoted to Officer 1st Class of the First Star League, Wolf. Eclipse will return to Officer 2nd Class.

* 03-06-00 Star Commander Blast has called for a tournement to determine the ranks of the Officers in his star, the tournement will start this Saturday 3-11-00.

* 03-06-00 I setup a poll instead of my homebuilt form to try to get more responses out of the lazy people.

* 03-08-00 Nothing much is happening in Netmech at this time, except for the new ~Elite~ (~E~) team, that is now being setup by Cybercrash ~RT~. Which intends to take on the Ghost Riders in a show down, to show the Ghost Riders that they are not the bosses, or the best in Netmech. However, I would still like to know why they wont fight the Krazy Ravens. It is quite unique that some mechwarriors think that they need an elite team to beat one clan, this has never happened before, and I will atleast give them that. Yet, I wish that they would finnaly fess up, and fight a real clan. Good luck to the Elite...

Log Book(by months): January 2000, February 2000 March 2000 1