Name (Email Address) |
Race |
Profession |
Comments ( Character Sheet) |
Napoleon | Troll | Streetsamurai | Very short for a Troll.
David Arnu |
Nightblade | Human | Streetsamurai | Likes riding his bike and sneaking. |
Nightcrawler | Human | Dealer | Lives in the Plex, but owns the Seattle security company "Life Guard Protection", which Mjoellnir leads. Knows Scotch and Shadowhawk and works for Thinkman.
NPC (Ingo) |
Nightshift | Elf | Streetsamurai | Kai |
Nina Esser | Human | Security Operative |
Works for Skynet in Düsseldorf.
On the 8th of June, 2058, she is suspended from duty and is lost since that day.
CHARACTER SHEET. NPC (Micha Schrick) |
No Motion | Troll | Streetsamurai | "No Motion Without Remote Control" - that was his full name.
For some time he got a "Remote Control" by some other runner.
His favourite weapon is the hammer.
Timur Sen |
Orphan | Human | Barkeeper and Service |
Works in the "Purple Haze". Is a very good contact. Her friend is Scotch. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Micha Schrick) |
Ozaka Taro | Human | Physical Adept |
Japanese, Fighter Belongs to the Sakana-Dojo (Chung, Sato, Tanaka, Yamagawa) CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Stefanie) |
Pain | Ork | Street Samurai |
Together with her 2 minutes older brother Panic they are the wetwork team "Far Out". She is the tougher one. Since December '57 in the Plex and already some reputation. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Stefanie) |
Panic | Ork | Street Samurai |
Together with his 2 minutes younger sister Pain they are the wetwork team "Far Out". He is the quicker one. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Benny) |
Panther | Human | Physical Adept |
Good and reliable Physical Adept. Vanished after the Doomsday
in July 55.
Jens Eggert |
Patricia | ? | Free Spirit (Force 18) |
Tir na nOg.
NPC (Olaf) |
Pax | Human | Streetsamurai |
Tends to think before he shoots. CHARACTER SHEET Roland Bahr |
Phantastic | Human | Mage | ? |
Phantom | Human | Streetsamurai | DEAD! Fighter. Died in Nigeria in a fight with a Darkman/ Tasker clone. David Arnu |
Pizza Man | Human | Streetsamurai | Alex |
Plastic | Human | Streetsamurai | Daniel |
Professor | Troll | Scientist | Is a researcher in Magic and other sciences, can go by with handguns. CHARACTER SHEET Marcus "Troll" Wevers |
Prophet of Rage | Elf | Elemental Adept (Fire) |
(Corporal bei den Fallen Angels -
Forsaken ist sein Bruder CHARACTER SHEET Michael Schrick |
Punkt | Human | Decker Rigger |
Was a good Rigger and eventually Decker, too. Tended to be
a little bit paranoid (heavy). Had a car workshop. Vanished after the first
police search list in January 57 to Japan. Still keeps in touch. CHARACTER SHEET Michael "Meikel Dschey" Janissen
Puppetmaster | Human(?) | Rigger | First appeared in spring '55 in Duesseldorf-Flingern. Builds nasty
little play tools - such as spiders or waste baskets with sharp edges (don't
take them in your hands, they could detonate!).
NPC (Ingo) |
Q | Human | Mechanic Demolitions Decker |
Very good looking man. An expert in bombing. Disappeared in autumn
CHARACTER SHEET. Frank Eickler |
Quickie | Human | Streetsamurai | Not to be mistaken with Quicky. |
Quicksilver | Elf | Physical Adept (Cat) |
Was a good burglar back in Seattle. His very first bodyguard job went totally wrong.
CHARACTER SHEET Thorben Wöhler |
Quicky | Human | Streetsamurai | Karsten |
Rage | Troll | Streetsamurai | Works in Seattle with Mjoellnir, Red, Sniper, Whistle and before June'57 with Mindwire.
NPC (Ingo) |
Rainbow | Human | Streetdoc | Once worked for the Shadow Clinic. When an opposing mage did a brain scan on him, he went into psychiatry. |
Ralf | Troll | Ex-Urban Brawl | Was in the Bundeswehr, fought in the Euro Wars. Has been Urban Brawl
player. Imagine a 360 cm tall troll.
NPC (Ingo) |
Razorjack | Human | Doorman and more |
Comes from the U.S.A. Doorman in the "Purple
Haze". Quite good in firearms (Darkman
did know that).
NPC (Micha Schrick) |
Razors | Human | Decker | Works together with Ian Anderson.
NPC (Micha Schrick) |
Red | Human | Magician |
Works in Seattle with Mjoellnir, Rage, Sniper, Whistle and before June'57 with Mindwire. And she loves her brother Scotch dearly. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Ingo) |
Red Eye | Human | Physical Adept |
? |
Red Tree | Elf | Witch (Dragonslayer) |
? |
Roadblock | Troll | Street Samurai | Ex-Urban-Brawler, came from Denver, is a Tribal brother of Snake Eye.
Klaus |
Robby | Ork | Bodyguard |
Bodyguard of Banshee. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Stefanie)
Ronald Mommsen | Human | Detective | ? |
Ronin | ? | Streetsamurai? | ? |
Runner | Elf | Rigger | Philipp |
Sabine Janssen | Human | Ex-MET2000 | Was the girlfriend of Tasker.Vanished after he was shot dead by his con Zion Robotics.
Sabrina | Human | Actress | was at "Executive Entertainment", has got a role at the soap opera "Jet Set - A Life in Wealth".
Sandman | Elf | Streetsamurai | DEAD! Sometimes overequipped. He died when he was rescued from prison on the 11th of June, 2058. Michael Burandt |
Salomon | Human appearance |
Shapeshifter (Panther) Magician |
He appeared first in spring '56 to meet Jezabelle. His Hellblast is hellish.
NPC (Micha Schrick) |
Sammy | Ork | Physical Adept |
New in business and already on a sail turn from Sibiria towards the Kongo. CHARACTER SHEET Marko Bartscherer |
Sato Kenburi | Human | Physical Adept |
Japanese, Fighter Belongs to the Sakana-Dojo (Ozaka, Chung, Tanaka, Yamagawa) CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Stefanie) |
Schock | Human | Rigger Decker |
Ulrich Höger |
Dr. Schweitzer | Human | Streetdoc |
Streetdoc in Berlin. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Olaf Weyer)
Scotch | Human | Decker |
DEAD(?) (07.06.2058 by car bomb) A very good decker. Worked in Seattle. Came to Duesseldorf about 56. Knows Ian Anderson. CHARACTER SHEET. NPC (Ingo "Chaos" Nehls) |
Sengoku | Human | Physical Adept |
Japanese, Brother of Benten.
Has been renamed by Firefox into Cato.
NPC (Dirk Wilbertz) |
Shade | Human | Mage |
The - unequaled - Magician Banshee knows. Very reliable. Together
they own Phoenix Security. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Thorben "TEW" Wöhler) |
Shadowhawk | Human | Dealer | Works in Seattle, gets military stuff, too. Is internationally active.
NPC (Ingo) |
Shark | ? | ? | ? |
Showtime | Elf | Sniper |
Came from a "good family", was officer at the Bundeswehr and later in a security company.
CHARACTER SHEET Andreas Surendorf |
Shutdown | Human | Detective | ? |
Sid | Human | Hitman | ? |
Silverbane | Human | Combat-Riggerin |
Raquel "Silverbane" Periot
Belongs to the team Max-Tac/C-SWAT (Urban, Mayhem, Baseline, Bone, Spooky, Mother) CHARACTER SHEET NPC |
Sledge | Ork | Ganger | Belongs to the Red Chrome Legion-Gang in Duesseldorf Oberkassel.
NPC (Ingo) |
Slider | Human | Ex-Corp Sammi Decker |
Has got very good manners. Likes to dress in business cloths.
In 2057 he lived together with Snake Eye and Banshee. He also is in the Phoenix Security. After taken in and rescued from police custody he vanished from the plex (he was declared dead). There are rumors that he plays in the Seattle Major League. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Frank Faber) |
Sliver | Human | Ex-Corp | ? |
Snake | Human | Physical Adept |
Appeared after the Doomsday. Works as
a door man for the pub "Purple
Haze" in Wuppertal. In Autumn/Winter 56/57 he lived a while together
with Banshee. He had quite a problem with tomato juice -
or what was it? CHARACTER SHEET - The Snake Pit Jens Eggert
Snake Eye | Human | Sniper Indian Warrior |
Appeared in spring 56 from the former U.S.A.. Is very good in camouflage.
Hates Aztech (something with his background). Used to live together with
Slider and from March 57 on together
with Banshee, too. Is also in Phoenix Security.
After taken in and rescued from police custody he vanished from the plex (he was declared dead). There are rumors that he plays in the Seattle Major League. CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Benny)
Sniper | Human | Streetsamurai |
DEAD(?) (07.06.2058 by car bomb) Worked in Seattle with Mjoellnir, Rage, Red, Whistle and before June'57 with Mindwire. Has now dropped out of business and lives in Duesseldorf. CHARACTER SHEET. NPC (Ingo) |
Spelljammer | Human | Streetsamurai Decker |
A Russian. Was a little bit whipper-snapperic.
After the SHADOW-organization was crushed he went to South America. There he fights together with some local idealists against Skynet companies. That Con has set a reward of 15,000,000 ECU=Nuyen on his head. CHARACTER SHEET. NPC (Dirk Wilbertz) |
Sperber | Human | Witch (Great Mother) |
For a long time he could not harm other persons (enemies, too). But by being harmed by several
incidents he's now become a lot harder. In November 2057 he executed a Mafia boss who threatened his friends. In spring 58 he founded the magical circle "White Hand". CHARACTER SHEET NPC (Sascha Wagner)
Spider | Human | Rigger | A BLIND Rigger! He sees through some spider like cyberbeast (a rigger calls it a drone).
NPC (Dirk Wilbertz) |
Spooky | ? | Magician | Steven "Spooky" van Deyk Belongs to the team Max-Tac/C-SWAT (Urban, Mayhem, Baseline, Bone, Silverbane, Mother) NPC |
Steel | Human | Samurai |
Has got Cyberarms and Cyberlegs. Is Ex-Black Ops. CHARACTER SHEET Sascha Wagner
Steph | Human | Decker | Female Decker. Lost her deck on her very first run. Meanwhile she has got another one.
Steph |
Storm | Ork | Mercenary |
(Captain bei den Fallen Angels -