[ Top ]

South Gate Hunting Areas

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area    [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate

Kobold (Annoying Pack-hunting Humanoids)

AS: Short Sword -  +8           DS: +30( in offensive stance)           [Kobolds tend to stance dance so AS/DS varies]

CS: None     Spells: None
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Kobold Skin      Skin Avarage Value:  20-25 silver

Treasure:  Carries poor coins, low end gems, and Poor Boxes. Occasionally carry wands and crystal Amulets

Equipment Carrired:  Short Sword , Reinforced Shield, Light Leather

Personal Notes :  These lil buggers are by far the most annoyin' I have come across so far , fer a young critter th' is. They can become a problem fer adventurers of 1st - 5th circle train easy. They are weak alone, but once more than one arrive, better watch yer step, they like to knock ya over, and then pile up and beat ya senseless. Gah and they drool all over yer nice boots, ya know how hard it is to get kobold slobber outta leather.. why I tell ya ... err, Uhm anyways, they also like to  poke ya in yer eyes, real problem if ya traying to swing at em, lowers your attack power a bit, but over with quick nuff. if ya gonna hunt these buggers, be sure ya can handle em, yes I know the lure of a few silvers is tempting , but then again ya really wanna be a Corpsicle stuck to the floor where folks walk all over ya, Hmm?

Rolton (Cute & Cuddly Fluffy Pirahna-fanged Grazing beast)

AS:  Bite- +10                                    DS:  +0  [easy kill fer young folk, especially Empaths with a low Attack Strength]

CS:  +0        Spells:  None, ever see a spell casting sheep?
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


              Elemental Circle               


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


        Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Rolton Pelt                                                                       Skin Avarage Value:  16-25 silvers

Treasure:  I ave' never seen no bloomin' sheep with pockets, so I gotta say, Nill ere' in this, cept maybe the Pelts.

Equipment Carrired:  Do I ave' ta repeat meself, bah. Nothin' at all ere'.

Personal Notes :  They cute, th' cuddle well, make a decent pet, taste good on a sandwich.. ermm... anyways, don't let these grass eat'n fuzzies fool ya. Found alone or in Herds, nice to watch an wile away the hours. But wot'eva ya do, Doo'n get em riled up, or they tend to bare thier fangs'n take a bite outta yer leg before ya know it. This is a good staple critter to hunt fer young folk, they have a relative low defence, and almost nill Attack power.Good fer a bit of learning anda supply of Silvers from the skins.

Rabid Squirrel  (Insane Disease-ridden Cute lil' Tree dwellin' Nutmongers)

AS: Nip- +15 [sometimes cause Disease on a succecful nip, if ya fail yer warding]         DS:  +25

CS: +3 for disease  Spells:  Nope, even if they was smart critters, the disease has warped thier fragile lil' minds.
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


           Elemental Circle            


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


        Ranger Circle        




Skin: Squirrel Tail                                                       Skin Avarage Value:  16-25 silvers

Treasure:  Skins only, they to into the madness ta hoard sparklies like coins and gems

Equipment Carrired:  Nothin', Their animals. Duh!

Personal Notes :  These once Peaceful tree-dwellers are now on the rampage, and it seems they infected nuff of thier kind to make em a dangerous pest fer the youth of Elanthia. No more taller than a halflings kneecap, they still pose a threat.If ya young and want to hunt these nut loving nuts, try and get some Disease Resistance in TC, give ya a lil edge over em.

These Two are not native to the hunting areas, but wander in from the other areas enough to include em here.

Mountain Snowcat (Native Icemule Great Cat)

AS:  Claw- +35  Bite- +45                                         DS:  +20

CS:  +0        Spells: None, doo'n need em, the children of Andelas have more than enough to take care ot themselves.
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


           Elemental Circle            


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


        Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Snowcat Pelt                                                                 Skin Avarage Value:  36-45 silvers

Treasure:  Nothing save for thier pelts

Equipment Carrired:  None, it's an animal ya dolt.

Personal Notes : Great Cat of the ice, It's speed and power make it dangerous , even for older adventurers. If yer not careful, they pounce ya, knock ya to the ground and shred you good fer ya can recover, building a nice pile of young corpses in the snow.Thier ability to strike critical wounds, is to say the least scary,A gift from Andelas maybe. This ability is the nemesis of those out hunting the relativly easy Kobolds,Squirrels,and Roltons. So be careful out there.

Ghost Wolf  (Undead Woodland Animal)

AS:  Bite- +100  Claw- +75                                     DS: +42

CS: +0         Spells: None, uses primal attacks
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


           Elemental Circle            


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


        Ranger Circle        




Skin:   Unskinable                                                                     Skin Avarage Value:  None

Treasure:  They carry nothing, not even a skin. Sad eh? Ya would think ya would get somethin' fer thier age and your trouble,Bah just goes to show ya how the gods can be so cruel.

Equipment Carrired:  Nothin' it's dead, and a animal, wot ya was expecting a pot of silver?

Personal Notes : Animated Canine of the wilds, it's ferocity,cunning and power seems to have remained intact for the most part, a major danger for the youths hunting in the Kobold area, they tend to wander up from the trail leading to the Landing. If ya see one Run and call for help, if they stay in the Kob area long they tend to leave a trail of bodies in thier wake. So do yer part and send up the signal, the life ya save could be yer own.

Thyril Area  [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate , West x2 , Northwest , South , West , South , West , Up , Up , Go Path

Thyril  ( Fast-Striking Humaniod )

AS:  Broadsword- +20          DS:  +35        

CS:  +0   Spells:  None, not a spellcaster afterall
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Not Skinable     Skin Avarage Value:  None

Treasure:  poor boxes , poor coins

Equipment Carrired:  Broadsword , Full leather , Wooden Shield , Metal Aventail , Arm Greaves , Leg Greaves, Leather Boots , Leather Helm

Personal Notes : Okay so I doo'n know much bout thier nature or origins, but I do know they be fast lil buggers, great at hit and run tactics , they also at times tend to swarm on ya. not much else ta say here cept as always , be careful. if ya needa break and don't wanna run back to town, take a seat at the standing stones, safe there.

Lesser Orc - Leaper area  [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate , Climb Snowbank

Lesser Orc  ( Lower rank Warrior clan based Humanoids )

AS: Cudgel- +60           DS:  +30

CS: +0    Spells:  No Spells , they be a Warrior race by blood, just have ta watch and see if there be a Orc Shamen running round , then ya might want to worry.
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Orc Hide     Skin Avarage Value:  

Treasure:  pretty nice coins fer thier age , carry Boxes sometimes , and low end gems and wands are the norm here.

Equipment Carrired:  Cudgel , Metal Aventail , Reinforced Shield , Leather Breastplate

Personal Notes :  Orcs .. wot kin I say , they are blood-lusting svage warriors through an through. they kin swing a mean weapon and stance dance with the best of em. Lesser orcs not much of a threat, but they kin hit ya hard if they wanna. Lil stonger than yer typical Kobold, and twice as mean spirited. Careful round em if yer young, they like to gang up on yaif they can.

Leaper  ( Big Footed Jumper-Beast )

AS:  Bite- +55  Claw- +45  Stomp- +40           DS:  +28        

CS:  +0   Spells: None, it a big ol' Rabbit-wannabe thingy
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Leaper Hide                                                                 Skin Avarage Value:  

Treasure:  None, cept the hide.

Equipment Carrired:  Nothing, this is not a White rabbit with a gold watch, ya been readin' to many books mate.

Personal Notes : These big toothed, big footed critters do well in the snow. Just gotta watch em , cause they like ta make snacks of folk that get to close, they even on occasion take a bite outta the orcs that share thier area.

Abandoned Barn Area  [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate , Climb Snowbank , S , SE, S, D, S, E, E ,NW, U, N, N, N, Go Arch

Wraith  ( Undead Spirit  )


DS:          /             Drawn inward [best to stance dance here , cause they gettin' ready to do some hurt]

CS:     Spells:
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:   Wraith Talon                              Skin Avarage Value:  

Treasure:  pretty nice loot ere' if ya can get em, Boxes tend to be on th' hard side, some picker doo'n like em.

Equipment Carrired:  

Personal Notes :

Zombie  ( Reanimated Corpse )

AS:            DS:          

CS:     Spells:
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:       Skin Avarage Value:  


Equipment Carrired:  

Personal Notes :

Hobgoblin - Snowcat Area  [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate , W x 2 , NW , S , W , S x 3 , SW , E x 3,Go Path

Hobgoblin  ( Warrior Humaniod )

AS:  Rapier Thrust- +50          DS:  +45        

CS:  +0  Spells:  None
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Hobgoblin Scalp                                                        Skin Avarage Value:  

Treasure:  Avarage Coins, Poor Boxes , Poor-Avarage Gems,Occasional Wand and Crystal Amulet

Equipment Carrired:  Rapier , Wooden Shield , Leather Helm , Reinforced Leather

Personal Notes :  A primitive war-like race, they eat,sleep and breath warfare. If they was not so hostile they would make decent allies, but never the less.. they just to unpredictable. They are a hard fight for young adventures and never tend to be alone, once ya see one, be sure to watch fer more. and to make things worse, the Snowcats tend to give em some bit of aid.So watch yer back and keep yer wits about ya. If ya wanna stay alive that is.

Mountain Snowcat (Native Icemule Great Cat)

AS:  Claw- +35  Bite- +45                                         DS:  +20

CS:  +0        Spells: None, doo'n need em, the children of Andelas have more than enough to take care ot themselves.
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


           Elemental Circle            


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


        Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Snowcat Pelt                                                                 Skin Avarage Value:  36-45 silvers

Treasure:  Nothing save for thier pelts

Equipment Carrired:  None, not like a animal gonna swing a sword at ya,when it can eat yer arm instead.

Personal Notes : Great Cat of the ice, It's speed and power make it dangerous , even for older adventurers. If yer not careful, they pounce ya, knock ya to the ground and shred you good fer ya can recover, building a nice pile of young corpses in the snow.Thier ability to strike critical wounds, is to say the least scary,A gift from Andelas maybe. The fact that they tend to help the Hobgoblins in this area is not a good thing yer ya , if yer on your back, makes ya a corpsicle rather quick like. So be careful , and tread lightly, less ya be a snack for this feline.

Snowy Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider Area   [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 , Go Gate , W x 2 , NW , S , W , S x 3 , SW , E x 3,Go Path,

Snowy Cockatrice   ( Oversized Funky Chicken with a Stareing Habit )

AS:  Pincer- +60        Claw- +50        Charge- +40          DS:  +34

CS: +0    Spells: Paralyzing Stare, not really a spell but it puts the hurt on ya none the less
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Not Skinable                                         Skin Avarage Value:  Nothin', the snow variation has no skins

Treasure:  good loot here , good coins, decent boxes and gems

Equipment Carrired:  None , less ya count it's snazzy strut...

Personal Notes :

Greater Ice Spider   ( Huge Snow-dwelling Arcahnid )

AS:  Stinger- +40     Pincher- +20          DS:  +30        

CS: +0     Spells:  Natural Web
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Not Skinable , nope ya not be takin any tasty Spider legs fer a snack     Skin Avarage Value:  N/A  

Treasure:  no loot here, spiders doo'n need coins, they just suck yer juices ta make em happy. ::shudder::

Equipment Carrired:  Nothin', Like ya ever see a spider lounge'n round the Parlour with a smokin' jacket an Cigar.

Personal Notes :  Well , I know one thing fer sure. If ya see one of these spiders yer sure not gonna smush it with a rolled up copy of the Elanthian Times. More that they take it away from ya an smush ya, then web ya up nice and good and such every last bit of moisture from yer twitchin' like carcase.... nice image eh.  Well if ya young I doo'n suggest hunting these alone, the web is more than enought ta get ya killed, as if the Chickens starewas not a aiding factor. seens lotta folk die here for being a bit overconfident. So pair up with a couple mates and hunt.

Be smart and alive, not some spiders late night snack.

Icemule Pioneer Cemetary  [ Top ]

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 ,Go Gate ,W x 2 ,NW ,S ,W ,S x 3 , SW , E x 4 , Go Trail , S , SW , Go Cemetary

Zombie Rolton  ( Undead Less than Cute &Cuddly Grazing Beast )

AS:  Bite- +15          DS:  +5

CS:  +0   Spells:  None
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:   Rotting Rolton Pelt    Skin Avarage Value:  17-25 Silvers

Treasure:  None, though I remember at one time they used ta have coins, guess th' gods changed that, heh.

Equipment Carrired:  Not one thing, they dead sheep, Nuff said.

Personal Notes :   Well these once cute , snuggly critters turned into rotting, mouldering piles of foul lookin' wool, seem to gained something in the transformation to walking dead. They hit a lil harder , and have slightly better defence, but still no nuffta make ya soil yerselves. if ya a young clergy, or a young folk with a blessed weapon, this the critter fer ya. Thier low resistance to cleric spells make em a prime target for Prayer of Holding and Repel Undead. I give this critter a big ol' thumbs up as a staple youth critter to hunt.

Skeleton  ( Undead Animated Humanoid Skeleton )

AS: Dagger- +10           DS:   +20

CS:  +0   Spells:  No spells, it's a skeleton, no brain in thier noogins
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:   Skeleton Bone                                                     Skin Avarage Value:  4-10 Silvers

Treasure:  avarage coins, avarage gems, some low to mid range wands, Poor Boxes

Equipment Carrired:  Dagger , Woven Cloak , Light Leather

Personal Notes : re-animated bones of Fallen adventures and corpses left in the Cemetary. Not sure as to whom did this, but ya can be sure we have our work cut out fer us to release the souls damned to servitude. These bone piles are rather slow and easy to break apart. No real threat here.

Phantom  ( Insubstantial Lesser Spirit )

AS:  Fist- +20  Minor Shock- +20        DS:  +10/ +20 with Powerful Look       

CS: +0    Spells:  103 Spirit Warding , 901 Minor Shock
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Not Skinable     Skin Avarage Value:  Ziltch

Treasure:  Not searchable , cept by Clergy that cast Repel on em, then they are searchable for bout 3-10 seconds after release. Then they carry decent coins,gems,wands and boxes, but they more often carry nothin'.

Equipment Carrired:  Double Leather

Personal Notes :

White Vysan   ( Description )

AS:  Ensnare- +45  Pound- +35          DS:  +26        

CS:  +0   Spells:  None
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:  Non-Skinable                                                             Skin Avarage Value:  None

Treasure:  Decent Coins , artifacts , Gems and Boxes

Equipment Carrired:  None

Personal Notes :

In the Mausaleum

Directions from TC: South x 5 ,Go Gate ,W x 2 ,NW ,S ,W ,S x 3 , SW , E x 4 , Go Trail , S , SW , Go Cemetary , W ,N , NE, E , E , SE, SW, Go Mausaleum

Dark Apparition   ( Insubstantial Lesser Spirit )

AS:  Bite- Claw +60  Bite- +45          DS:  +30/+90 drawn inward natural  - +40/ +100 When Drawn inward with Blurs

CS: +16    Spells: Blurs and Major Shock
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin: Non-Skinable      Skin Avarage Value:  None

Treasure:  Not searchable without 302 , same as Phantom , these give out pretty nice boxes, when they drop em.

Equipment Carried:  nothing

Personal Notes :

Skeleton  ( Undead Animated Humanoid Skeleton )

AS: Dagger- +10           DS:   +20

CS:  +0   Spells:  No spells, it's a skeleton, no brain in thier noogins
TD Versus

Spirit Circle/Cleric Circle


            Elemental Circle                


        Sorcerer Circle        


                   Wizard Circle                


      Ranger Circle        




Skin:   Skeleton Bone                                                     Skin Avarage Value:  4-10 Silvers

Treasure:  avarage coins, avarage gems, some low to mid range wands, Poor Boxes

Equipment Carrired:  Dagger , Woven Cloak , Light Leather

Personal Notes : re-animated bones of Fallen adventures and corpses left in the Cemetary. Not sure as to whom did this, but ya can be sure we have our work cut out fer us to release the souls damned to servitude. These bone piles are rather slow and easy to break apart. No real threat here.

Kobold - Rolton - Squirrel Area     Thyril Area     Lesser Orc - Leaper Area     Abandoned Barn Area

Hobgoblin  - Mountain Snowcat Area     Snowy  Cockatrice - Greater Ice Spider  Area      Icemule Pioneer Cemetary

In the Mausaleum

Back to Table of Contents

Icemule North Gate Hunting Grounds

Icemule West Gate Hunting Grounds     Icemule Well and Catacombs      Icemule East Gate Hunting Grounds

Icemule South Gate Hunting Grounds