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Chrono Cross

A young man suddenly finds himself caught between two worlds, existing within the same time, yet completely apart from one another. In one world he exists, in the other he is thought to be a ghost. Has he come to be given the ability to switch between worlds by accident? Or is it that somehow, someone see's him as a trigger...a trigger to bend time....a Chrono Trigger.....

Chrono Cross has been a long time in the making, and it shows. Lovers of the original RPG, Chrono Trigger (Super Nintendo), will not be disappointed. (Although many things are very different in this sequel, there will be a sense of familiarity as you move about the world map and make your way around some of the "dungeons".) Not only are there all new characters, there are TONS of them. Each with his or her own Tech abilities, causing dozens of different combinations and effects when combined with those of other characters. The game play is very intricate, branching often, causing the story to unfold differently depending on each path you choose. Some characters will never be available for use in your party depending on how you choose to procede (there is a trick to getting them all in New Game+). There are a total of 11 endings to be viewed, depending on how and when you choose to end the game.

The graphics are very good, but that's nothing surprising when it comes to a Square game. Square prides itself on quality games, and it's fans are never disappointed. The music was also good, again, no surprise. However, what makes this game worth the hours RPG lovers are going to be wasting away for the next several months after they finally get off their butts and buy it, is the incredible amount of depth this game has. The story itself unfolds slowly, leaving the player constantly guessing and intrigued. For much of the game the player will be wondering...who is friend and who is foe?

Replay Value
Overall Rating
Trader or Keeper?
No brainer, it's a Keeper This game will provide months of replay value well after you've beaten the game the first time around. No matter what path you choose the first time through, there will still be several new twists, branches, treasures and story lines yet to be discovered.

Order Chrono Cross from Amazon.com for $39.99

Order the Chrono Cross Official Strategy Guide from Amazon.com for $13.49

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[Marie's Reviews]
[Mog's Reviews]

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