Ski's Flying Blog - August 2006
last updated 15 August 06
This blog is an ongoing account of my flying career. The opinions expressed within do not necessarily represent those of Cabair, BCUC or OFT.
Now that it looks like my medical is a safe bet, it's been time to choose how to proceed with my flying training....and I've decided NOT to go with Cabair. Reasons are many, but foremost amongst them is the loan (I'm not getting one, I can't, and even if I could I wouldn't) and the training route. Simply put; I want to glide, and do other ratings that aren't 'essential' (i.e. Cabair don't do them) but I think are worthwhile doing. Like learning how to fly taildragger aircraft! Which I am doing next month, and also gliding, which I think could bring a lot of benefits (one of which is that it should cost around a tenth of what it does to fly powered, on an hourly basis). A lot of powered pilots seem to turn their noses up at it. I can't see why; it's possible to fly for an hour or more using NO FUEL! and for winch launched gliders the whole enterprise is much more of a team effort. Gliding also (so I've been told) teaches you to be much more in tune with the wind, weather terrain etc. We shall see - I'm intending to pop down to my local RAFGSA club as soon as it's do-able.
So....working full time & doing my flying at the weekends. There are disadvantages to that route; but the main one for me is that I don't have to get into loaned cash (yet at least). I reckon I can do my Night Rating, IMC Rating, Taildragger course & start the ATPL theory distance learning...within a year, if I'm careful with my cash. I'll see..... Back to Top
Well...It's been over a year since the CAA told me I'd never, ever have a Class 1 medical due to my eyes. Today they said it's looking good, and then told me to book a Class 1 revalidation in order to get aforementioned medical! How about that.... True, I did have LASIK surgery in order to get to this stage, but my main point is that they said that wouldn't help. Ski's words of wisdom for today - "Don't let no bugger make you give up" (said in strong Wiltshire accent).
Of course, there is a caveat, and that is in this case the external examiner (brought in to do a job) couldn't sign me off there and then; he has to refer to the CAA boss man. But still; his opinion is that I should not 'pose any danger' to commercial operations due to my vision (or lack of vision). So it's looking very good, and I'm very happy - but trying not to celebrate just yet. I'm merely waiting for the paperwork to come through, the revalidation to go smoothly, and then the coveted piece of paper to come through my door before I crack open the two bottles of West Country Cider (Bulmers and Westons Old Rosie) I have on ice. Oh yes. 14 August 06 - Decision Point
07 August 06 - CAA Eye Examination