The search for the
triforce comes to an end!

 Good and bad news,the search has ended.
Bad news Nintendo have confirmed both officialy and unofficialy
that the triforce is not in the Ocarina of time.

The triforce was originally planned to be collected in the game, as those infamous development shots show, but was scrapped, possibly due to a lack of time or it may have been held back for the add on.

Whatever the reason the Triforce is not in the game, this was confirmed to us by an email we recieved from Nintendo regarding the whereabouts of the sacred relic and we were greeted by the answer that it  'is not in the Ocarina of Time'.

Do we believe them?  I am afraid the answer is probably yes. Let's look at the evidence: Firstly it appears pretty certain that the trifoce cannot be collected by Link according to the game's plot which denotes one piece to each of the main characters.
REMEMBER that Gannon's piece is banished to the dark world with him so it would be impossible for Link to grab it at the end unless he followed him into the dark world.

Secondly, If the triforce was in the game then you would think that it would have been found by at least one person. As it is not one of the 4 MILLION people who have the game have found the location of this gaming holy grail and had it confirmed  (not even Ariana-the b*!ch).

Weighing up the evidence then we here at ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA have come to the painfull conclusion that the triforce is NOT in the game. We will keep looking and if we find it you'll no about it. But don't expect miracles!

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