20/7/98 : Thirdspace.. how old does that make the
Vorlons?! & New DotW
This week's Deck is by Stephen Kittel!
Offense, in Depth is the name.It's the modern Shadows variation of the
old Sakai strategy (See Sakai Support's Sheridan Mighty...) Stephen
includes some analysis about the choice of race for a Shadows Sakai deck
- if you have any questions email him or me. The other decks I recieved
I was rather impressed with. I'm sure there are many who would want
to see them (and will probably disagree with my choice). They are:
We Live for the One, by David
Sharpe, and some others but my link's working too slow to put the others
up right now. (I will update possibly tomorrow.)
About last week's deck of the week, the winner
was Vorlons Supreme, although I didn't recieve
all that many votes. Oh well - I appreciate the votes I did get!
Thank you! Some of you put a lot of thought into your answer. :)
I imagine most of you have seen the nice full-page
add in Scyre about the Great War expansion.. for those of you who haven't
done the math yet, 350 cards puts us 2 cards away from a 1000 card set.
Ouch. Umm.. anyone know how many of the homeworlds are going to be
released? I thought I remembered the announcement saying all of the
homeworlds and 3? Non-aligned worlds.. please email me if you have any
more detailed or current info. Thanks!
How many of you watched TNT's new B5 movie, "Thirdspace"?
If you don't know about it, it's basicly Babylon 5's rendition of Event
Horizon. It's a big episode for some characters - Vir gains the distinction
of the only ambassador tempted to (and accepting) evil, Lyta turns a little
more psycho, and there's one construction guy who I thought was pretty
cool. Card possibilities, you ask?? Here's some I thought of
during commercial breaks:
Ancient Artifact - Diplomacy Conflict
- Any player may be supported in this conflict. If this conflict
resolves, the winner gains 2 influence and this card becomes a Global Enhancement
which each turn initiates a military conflict against the winner with 25
automatic support. If the conflict is successful, that player loses
1 influence. If the conflict fails, discard this enhancement.
Every turn this enhancement is in play any character may attack any other
supporting character.
(It's a nasty Narn card, yes, but where were
the Narn in this movie? The only real thing they did was attack other
people... Hmm... The Narn help the Humans win!)
Dr. Trent - Human Character D:2 I:2 -
INX(? - I can't get TNT's site up..). If a military attack occurs in a
conflict Dr. Trent is participating in she is discarded after the conflict
One Mistake - Won Aftermath - For the
purposes of this resolution treat this conflict as if the original winner
had lost. No player is treated as the winner. Retroactively
change all previous aftermaths for these conditions - if the card is now
unplayable, it is discarded.
17/7/98 : Woops!
What a mistake! I had the name of the file
wrong, I guess. *sigh* I'll check /all/ the links from
now on when I upload - instead of a couple just to make sure it's in general
working. I'm very sorry Steve - and in one viewer's words, "Not very
objective voting if you ask me..." Oh well. The
deck is up now. Now what should I do? I couldn't update
since Monday, and I'll have to goto my grandmother's funeral, which may
mean I'm not back 'till next monday. We'll see - you can vote until
then - if you feel like it, you can vote on what I should do. Mark,
Steve - you like suspense, don't you? ;)
Thank you, all of you who sent me email concerning
the link problem - don't complain about the archive page yet, please?
In light of my inability to update until mondays
recently, I'm going to continue to update on mondays until such a time
as that I feel compelled to update on a different day.
Also, Jason wanted to update his tourney announcement:
The entry fee is $5 and will be at 2 PM.
Dave Hewitt allusion of the update: The
makers of B5:CCG don't play the way most of these decks are constructed
on this website. They play with decks upwards of 200 cards each or
attempt to re-enact an episode or season in a game. IMHO, the game
is fun both ways -- you just can't have a focused deck w/ that many cards
- which keeps you from analysing the strategic advantage of cards/positions/strategies.
(Bah! Analysing the strategic advantage of stragegies!)
13/7/98 : One week, one update, one vision?
This was an interesting week for deck submissions,
although Stephen Kittel's idea sort of died - forutnately?. The idea
was to use New Priorities to cycle through the locations.. then Carpe Diem
the New Priorities. Kosh denies that combo existance, and that's
it. It's for the better.
This week I can't decide between the decks.
There are two - both Minbari decks, one, "Crush
the Humans!...," is based on military (obviously.) The other
has a fairly selfexplainatory name as well: Vorlons
Supreme. I'm sleep deprived and can't concentrate on it very
well. I'll put it up to a vote. Email me with either the subject
heading: b5vote: Crow
or b5vote: Stephens I
will post the results around Thursday. Don't cheat.
There's a review of last week's deck up by Stephen
Kittel. Thanks Stephen!
There's an HTML version
of the Narn vs. Centauri article.
Jason Krish sent me the following factoid which
concerns all of the (I must say) wonderful players in Canada.
Saturday, August 1. This coincides with
a party at the store: Edmonton, AB, CANADA
Warp 1 Comics and Games.
Pre-register at store or email me at
Constructed deck(Shadow cards allowed). Bring
3 decks. First register, first choice.
Standard tournament rules(90min rounds).
Entry fee: TBA Prizes: Determined
by # of players(more the better!)
(update: entry fee = $5, and it will begin @
If anyone wants to email what they think are important
rulings made on the usenet - or just official rulings in general, I'd love
it.. 'Last time I checked up on it everyone was giving their obligatory
2 or 3 cents opinion on John Hart's offer to 'facilitate' a trade of an
Signed Morden for an Unsigned Morden.
Zya! Link page will be updated this week
- I need to get off my ass and install my modem in the new computer.
6/7/98 : Long sabatical ended and DECK of the WEEK..
'Sorry about the unannounced break there.
My computer is still battling it out... (The gods of computers are
foiling my every step.) So it will still be a bit before I get going
like I used to. In fact, I may never do so - I don't have as much
time as I did earlier this summer, which is why it's taking me so long
to get my computer up and running and why I may drop doing the almost daily
updates of the usenet. I know this will dissapoint many, but I'll
continue the deck of the week portion as long as I can - we'll see once
college starts up again.
Steve Crow's first contribution
to the Deck of the Week is a Centauri deck, the favorite race of so
many good people. How can you go wrong? The deck is an updated
version of the KiP decks of Premier - it even manages to retain some of
its old size.
Also Sith Lord sent this
to me a bit ago and I realized I hadn't gotten it up - it's the article
on how to beat the Narn war strategy as the Centauri. Enjoy!
Dave Hewitt Leak of the Update: New Londo!
(Wow.. three new ambassadors for Great War: New Sheridan (3 part replacement
series), Enlightened G'Kar, and a reformed Londo.) This Londo's
sponsor text will make it so that the centauri faction's shadow marks are
purged and it can't get any more.. Don't worry, they know about the fact
that currently any player can replace... my guess the card will have "may
only be brought into play by the Centauri player" or something along those
28/6/98 : Gomen, Hewitt-san (-sama?) &
David Nickels is back!!
Working all weekend means that you don't get
much done on your computer.. oh well. This time is had some appreciable
benefit to you. Dave Hewitt came into where I worked today.
(Stop laughing, Dave.) Anyway, since he knew who I was I feel very
little compunction in sharing one of the bits of Great War knowledge he
shared. In any case, it's not set in stone. The new Lyta for
the Great War expansion! (Pimped out - w/o the pesky Vorlon Enhancement)
Cerca 17 Psi w/ text that allows any player to modify the Psi by +/- 1
by expending influence to show her lack of bone structure. Estimated
date of release is in October - I hope UIUC has some good card stores around.
Speaking of which, any Kansas City or Urbana-Champaign players, please
email me. (I may drop some more hints that he told me if I don't
get told not to and you keep visiting the page.. although it will all be
common knowledge soon enough anyway.)
David Nickels is back!!!! Expect a MAJOR
update from the guru of the
Ultimate B5 Website on Monday (the 29th)
Those of you who have sent me links.. I can't
fix the links page at the moment, so it will be a couple of days before
I can get those up. Here they are for general use, however:
In response to the players' grumblings about the
Narn's war movements against the Centauri, "Sith Lord" gave me a response
for you. (Hopefully he'll write the article on the subject he promised,
so this is just a summary.)
I have formulated 3 responses to
this aggresive Narn Strategy: First, and not very good, is to prepare for
war. Structure your starting hand around it. This takes away
from a theme though, so I don't use it. The second way helps prevent
it all together. This only works, however, if they try to use a conflict
to raise tensions and then declare war once tensions are at 5.
Put 'For My People' in your starting hand. If they put out the conflict,
you can immediatly neutralize G'Kar b/4 he can sponser a fleet. This
can be countered 2 ways: 1. They use 'Building Infrastructure"
to put a fleet out. A distinct possibility. 2. They can
somehow unneutralize G'Kar. The best strategy I've found is
keep a 'Not ment to be' in your starting hand. I found this is the
best way to counter the Narn-War opening strategy. They can
not stop you from preventing it unless they are lucky enough to get a 'Not
meant to be' of there own in a draw. I keep one in my starting hand
almost all the time.
We've got a revised edition of Kill Them All And
Let G'Quan Sort Them Out which includes Shadows cards..
Recent B5 summary:
War! What the Hell is is Good For? The
merits of going to war are discussed - apparently some people haven't been
winning with it while others are. Here's a quote and a good example
of how to make war decks - this way of making a war deck is particularly
effective for the Narn.
Yes. I tend to use a 45-60
card Minbari deck, starting with Lennier, Total War and Minbar. 3 of every
Minbari fleet in the deck, 3 each of Border Raid, Limited Strike and Gunboat
Diplomacy, half a dozen other Military conflicts, 3 Declarations of War,
3 Acts of War, 3 Concentrated Efforts, Finish the War, a spare Total War,
Imperialism, a few tension raising cards, 2 Fleet repair bases, a spare
planet or two, 4-5 cheap Minbari characters, plus Mary Ann Cramer and Rathenn
and not a lot else. (
General Rule for targetting one's self with conflicts:
If a conflict gives something to the initiator or the target, depending
on win/loss, you cannot target yourself. This may change, however.
John Hart's proposed errata for Maintaining the Peace:
Replace the last two lines with: Count each consecutive turn since
this agenda entered play and since the last Military conflict (that was
not started by this agenda) resolved as +1 power. (there are some
suggestions to change the "this agenda" and I'm about to send one to change
the "and" part - that would cause some grief later)
How do we make a Shadow Minbari deck? The best
way seems to be Servants of the Order - use the two Vorlon marks to search
for Evidence of Shadows (although I don't think that works for some reason..
I can't find the ruling I'm looking for in the old news - 'anyone remember
what exactly was said about searching for cards w/o a vorlon mark on them?)
26/6/98 : Deck of the Week: The Might of the
Grey & Huge usenet update
Computer assembly is going well - I'm getting
this page up, arn't I? It will be a few days before I get it all
going like it was before (only better). It should be nice.
In the mean time you'll have to live with my less freqent updates.
This week's deck is a Minbari
diplomacy deck with some (a couple) shadows cards thrown in.
These decks are still competative! At least, they would seem to be..
you can judge that ;)
Recent B5 summary:
Last week's DotW author has a nice idea for the Narns
- use the military for big diplomacy conflicts that can use it.
For "target a player" cards, in general - you can't
target your faction with conflict cards, with the exception of Euphrates
Treaty. All other cards should use the phrases "a player" or "another
player" those mean exactly what they say. "a player" = "any player"
while "another player" = " not you." Dave Green asked about targetting
individual cards in your faction. Generally, you can't do anything
to intentionally harm (cause damage/discard to) your faction. FI
seems ok, 'though. That's open for a lot of interpretation.
On the subject of AoR.. David Conner speaks about
how a) the card isn't broken - there's lots of strategies against it,
and b) it crowds out other B5 strategies. David Green and Bruce Mason
comment that the other agendas are useful to catch the win if there's a
player playing AoR.. or to get a higher ranking at the end of the game.
Misdirected Force works for all types of marks at
once. (you can lose multiple types of marks)
The five ability for Fast Learner is not a cap..
its text just doesn't give you any more of that ability.
AoR and Ranger Strike Team problems: Does, say, increasing
B5 influence from 18 to 20 w/ RST work towards AoR's ability? Is the 18
then counted as power? John Hart says "No." Doug expands with
the brief, and IMHO inadequate explaination that this temporary influence
is indirectly being used to end the game. He puts more emphasis on
the fact that it's being counted as power, but when you look at the argument,
the temporary influence is not. The line ends with John Hart's consent
to the following paragraph by David Spitzley:>You know, I
was just going to post a rebuttal to this idea, but I think the heart of
the problem is that the Ranger's ability occurs during the action phase,
but the game ends after the Resolution phase. This effectively means
that the Ranger Strike Team's boost must be ignored in ANY trigger or calculation
which examines Babylon 5's Influence to calculate power, because otherwise
it is possible that additional increases to B5's influence may make what
appears to be a legal use of the boost illegal after the fact.
On Conflicting Intrests, the if the character is
somehow discarded, you can't influence the character anymore. The
characer is lost to you.
You can't just purge influence without a card.
The White Star fleet's "can not be enhanced" text
means that it can not be targeted by an enhancement specifically.
A broader enhancement will work for it, however.
"your enhancements" refers to enhancements which
target your faction or a card in your faction. A global enhancment
is not one of "your enhancements."
By using the Soul Hunter you may affect the card
in any way it may have previously been affected, including replacement.
The original card is not in play anymore (even it was brought to your hand),
and is not targeted by the Soul Hunter. Thus you may replace
permanently a Soul Hunter'ed character or SH a Zathras and replace him
indefinitely with one of your own in hand (although "under no circumstances
can you place someone elses cards in your hand." You can't SH Mr.
Morden or any other character who can only come into play by replacement.
Nice new recursive card combo: Taralenn & Commercial
Telepaths. Credits to Ambassador V'lnar. Although it doesn't work - use
__ as __ doesn't mean you have the second, as was mentioned a bit ago.
And with Taralenn & Fast Learner - you aren't considered to be "using"
Reminder: to figure complicated modifiers, do the
infamous order of operations backwards (or at least somewhat so) w/ basic
addition and subtraction before multiplication and division.
It is not possible to play Enhil'zha if the humans
are not being played.
I think we covered this a while ago, but as a reminder:
you need to meet the requirements of an agenda to play it as a hidden agenda.
No cheating.
Forces Collide can target enhancements from conflicts.
The cost is 0+1 per Vorlon mark required to play the conflict.
If Consumed by Shadows is played on you, and you
don't have any character besides your ambassador with shadow marks, you
must discard one of your non-ambassador characters with 0 shadow marks..
although, there's no official word on that one yet.
23/6/98 : More commentaries and responses :)
Perhaps I should stop labling the news items?
All the subject headings are the same... oh well.
I've got a response from Wes Brown about the commentaries
on his deck, We are the Darkness. It takes
a little while to scroll down that far. Also, the first commentary is up
for Not Without a Fight by Stephen Kittel.
There isn't really any usenet news.. they're just
wondering what the use is for the White Star fleet.. (lead it - although
they haven't figured that out yet) Also there's speculation on how
to stop the Narns from declaring war 1st or second turn.
20/6/98 : New decks and comments on last week's deck!
Also, change of ruling on Ivanova.
This week's deck is a megalith
of 106 cards designed by David Conner. There haven't been too
many really big decks posted here yet.. I think this is number two, but
that's just off the top of my head. As always, comments are welcome,
although I get pissed off if they aren't at least constructively critical
- and I know that large decks are often the most contentious. Oh,
and please don't assume people have 3 of a particular rare Shadows card
- especially a decent rare shadows card.. you just can't with that number
of cards.
Speaking of commentaries, the commentaries for
We Are the Darkness are up. Kinda late
- oh well.
I was reading over my last summary: here's
a clairification.. I mentioned Calling the Shots in reference to the apparent
usefulness of the card in relation to Zathras' - I forgot to include the
clause "in the action phase" in there - it doesn't work for Zathras', and
it doesn't work for aftermaths or conflicts. You just get that first
Recent B5 summary:
There's lots of dicussion about the merits of replacing
versions of the same character - whether this growth would be better illustrated
by using events, enhancements, and aftermaths to have the character grow.
Every time you are allowed to rotate a card you do
not control, it is stated so on the card - if it doesn't say something
like that (ie, A Final Statement), you may only rotate your own cards.
Reminder: for cards that say "Use __A__ as __B__,"
A overwrites B - you can't add them.
John Hart's message: "Which leads me to note that
I may have screwed up a ruling on contested/uncontested in the past: p.39
notes "...uncontested (all participants in the conflict must have supported
the conflict)..." so NOTHING that adds points to support/opposition affects
contestedness." Translation: If a character or fleet rotated to oppose
the conflict, the conflict is contested. This is the only way a conflict
can be contested. Automatic opposition is not "contestedness" - nor
are groups' actions. Only fleets and charaters (and planets that
are targeted).
Of course, you may attack participants of a conflict
which was You Are Not Readied
Unfortuantely, a previous ruling I mentioned is wrong:
You can only bring out Cmdr. Ivanova by replacing Susan.. I personally
think this is a cop-out from Precedence after pressure about this.. but..
well.. I'll let John Hart explain it:
four possible ways to do character-switching:
1. The Narn Assistant way: either
or both may be in play. May replaceor sponsor.
2. The Kosh way: anyone may play
the replacement into their own faction, and the old one goes permanently
3. The way we aren't using yet:
must replace if young version in play, may sponsor otherwise.
4. Morden/Ivanova/Mollari way:
Must replace, no other choice.
It would not be unreasonable to
interpret Commander Ivanova the other way but it would lead to a silly
result: you could then sponsor Susan Ivanova after Commander Ivanova was
in play.
If we ever use method #3 we will
be very explicit about it.
Sorry for all the confusion.
We should have been a little more careful.
Actually, at this point, my connection is getting
kind of slow - I think I'll just upload this and finish the last 12 messages
some other time. Later!
17/6/98 : New Zocalo!!
15/6/98 : Usenet update! Finally, you may say.
I'm sorry I haven't updated the usenet more often..
(Truthfully, I am.. I have a lot of messages to sort through to find the
applicable ones, then the ones with merit.. although I did stop to watch
the US soccer game.. when I returned my connection was too slow to work
with.) If you haven't already noticed the incredibly broken Zathras'
- I think most people did - go to the summaries now and study.
Also, Issue 2 of the Boom Today is out with an
article by Lorne Kates, Shadows card listings and more! Goto :
Recent summary:
The problems with Zathras' are:
1) Targetable build actions (Bring out Z 1st
turn and target someone - sorry! No influence for you!)
2) Circular targeting (A targets B, B targets
A - what happens?)
3) Branching targets (A and B target C....)
The designers did not intend
this.. it came as a compete surprise to John Hart, ("How bad is it?" etc..)
They had intended for all the Zathras' to be mild annoyances. (paraphrased
The proposed errata (they
claim that it isn't, but any rule change really is), is that build actions
be declared to be different from gaining influence. The argument
is that they don't have to change the card and that other cards involve
taking "gained" influence. I think that it is only the card that
needs to be changed - after all, all other cards which do similar effects
are not so abusable and are generally one-time deals. Very little
Sick combo: News of Galatic Import & Force the
Issue. There's some talk of making NoGI unique, but it's misguided,
I'm not sure I put this one on - if Commander Ivanova
replaces a Latent Telepath'ed Ivanova - her Psi is 3.
Alliance is a continuously modifying enhancement?
I didn't know that one, but if Doug says so... (same as Covert Allies and
Power Posturing - part of a repeat thread where many players confessed
their ignorance to the official ruling but their concern over the power
of the combo..)
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