The Curse of Monkey Island 

Secrets, In-Jokes & Easter Eggs

                                                        German Translation            

Part I - The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck (yes, these also work with the demo)

* Inhale the helium balloons and then talk (you can do this at any point in the game).
* Examine the pirate literature you get from Wally three times.
* During the cannon battle type LAPOSTAL Then type LAPOSTAL again.
*Also during the cannon battle you can blow up the three main towers on the fort,  just don't aim the cannon too high.

Part II - The Curse Gets Worse

* Press the secret button by the bridge near the fort.
* The clock tower in Puerto Pollo tells the correct time (according to your computer's clock).  If  Guybrush examines the clock tower he will tell you the time. The clock chimes "LeChuck's Theme" on the hour and half hour.
* After you pull out the pin, keep stabbing the voodoo doll you find at the Voodoo Ladies' place with any sharp instruments in your inventory. If you use the skeleton arm with the voodoo doll you will scratch Mort's back.
* Try the following with Murray when you see him on the spike in the swamp: Give him the skeleton arm (regular mode). In mega monkey use the paste with the skeleton arm and give it to him twice. In either mode give him the chewing gum.
* Cutthroat Bill will eventually turn this lovely shade of purple  if you don't push him a second time after he starts choking on the jawbreaker (mega mode).
* Max the Rabbit from "Sam & Max Hit the Road" can be seen in a portrait in the barbershop.  To see it Guybrush must first get Van Helgen into the banjo duel. Van Helgen goes into an electric guitar riff after Guybrush matches his playing. Guybrush then says, "I'll never beat him". At that point go back to the barbershop and you will see the Max portrait where Van Helgen had been standing. 
* By the way, when Van Helgen is doing his guitar riff, Guybrush will pull out a lighter if you don't move him for about a minute.     
* When Guybrush falls into the quicksand he lands near a thorny plant. If he examines the plaque near it before picking up the thorn he will say "pappapisshu!" when he does pick up the thorn. However, if he picks up the thorn before reading the plaque he will say "ouch!". Later when he drinks at the Goodsoup bar he will either say "pappapisshu!" or "ouch!", depending on which he did first in the quicksand. In addition, his choice will determine what the cabaña boy will say when Guybrush hits him with the towel.
* Watch what happens to the chicken if you can't get out of the quicksand fast enough.
* If you're in mega mode while trapped in the quicksand you can attempt this escape: use the paste with the skeleton arm, move the cursor to the top left of the screen and you can move Guybrush up there out of the quicksand.
* Use the ventriloquism book on everyone and everything possible.
* Listen carefully to the music that's playing in the backstage area of the theatre the first time Guybrush goes there. Part of it is the theme from "Star Wars".
* Click here to learn how to get Blondbeard to give you two gold teeth instead of one.
* At the Brimstone Beach Club ask Palido how long he has been sunbathing.  His answer will be five months from whatever month your computer's clock is set to.  If your computer's clock is set to January Palido will also wish you a Happy New Year. 
* After Guybrush is tarred & feathered visit all the other characters on Plunder Island - including Murray and the walkthru speaker - BEFORE returning to the chicken shop.
* When adjusting the stage lights after you get the treasure map you will see Max the Rabbit projected onto the stage (mega mode).
* Before digging up Elaine read the torn contract on the front door of the theatre.
* Return to the fort just before you finish everything on Plunder Island and you will find many more chickens there.

Part III - Three Sheets To The Wind

* Sail around on the navigation chart long enough to find the "Glass Bottomed Boat" and
  attack it. 
* It looks like Kenny's gun running business even includes a Star Wars death star turret (picture and info thanks to LucasFans).  


* Press Shitf+V to win the sea combat without firing your cannons.
* During the ship-to-ship combat sequence press Shift-J.  Now during the swordfight with Rottingham Star Wars lightsaber sounds will replace the regular sword fighting sounds.  Visit the downloads page to get a saved game with the lightsaber sounds.

Part IV - The Bartender, the Thieves, his Wife, and her Lover

* Keep pulling the chain on the grog sign over Madam Zima's head to change the speed of the sign from very fast to stopping it all together.
* In the Goodsoup bar notice the grog poster left of the doorway leading to the stairs. When you leave that room and then return the woman (Elaine?) now has an eyepatch she didn't have before. On your last visit to the bar the woman in the poster now also has a hook for a hand!   Have Guybrush examine this poster each time he enters the bar, eventually he will figure something out (see below).

grog1.gif (12505 bytes)        grog2.gif (12540 bytes)         grog3.gif (12488 bytes)

* Click here to learn how to get two mirrors from the Goodsoup Hotel rather than the usual one. 

leroy.jpg (4732 bytes)* Take careful notice of this mask at the cannibal village of "Leroy, the god of pudding."  Yup, it's that LucasArts logo again!
* During the conversation with Lemonhead the cannibal he will mention a "paradigm shift".  One of Guybrush's choice of responses is, "a pair

of dimes?" Keep moving your mouse on and off that response without clicking on it.
* Give the map of Blood Island to Lemonhead.
* Pick up the seawater at the Blood Island Beach (where the Lost Welshman is, not the shipwreck beach) about 26 times to go back to the underwater scene from The Secret of Monkey Island.  After returning to the beach look for a down arrow on the water (see picture to the right). arrow.gif Follow the arrow and you will return to the underwater scene and now be able to investigate all the items there.  Click here to download a saved game from this point.  
* Ever wonder if you can peek into the crumbling shack in the
  cemetery? Well you can. Talk to the crack between the doors but only AFTER you die the first time.

* After you've died on Blood Island and talked to Stan, exit and enter his crypt about 35-36 times.  A short cutscene will appear.

*While trapped in the Goodsoup Tomb be sure to examine the crumbling hole in the wall to visit The Secret of Monkey Island once again.
* Programming Error #1 - Also in the Goodsoup Tomb go near the open coffin lid and put on the tofu mask.
* Be sure to use the zombie pirate toy you can get from King André on, I mean Skull Island.
* Click here to see the LucasArts references in the part 4 cut scenes.
* Programming Error #2 - After you have completed almost everything on Blood Island go back to the cemetery and give the scissors to Old Blind Pew (the dog). CAUTION- this will crash your game.

Part V - Kiss of the Spider Monkey

* Max the Rabbit can be seen on green cable car and on the hat & apron of the snowcone guy.

* Pick up the "guess yer age 'n weight" sign to go to a Christmas tree light version of the scene.  Use the hole to restore a visible Guybrush. Sorry, you can't restore all the lights.

Part VI - Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again

* Use the pepper mill on LeChuck while in the Herman Toothrot diorama to singe the rope holding up the hanging corpse. Use it on him in the four pirates diorama and Captain Marley's hat catches on fire.
* Give LeChuck the zombie pirate toy.

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