About the webmaster...
Hi, my name is Shee Seng Lin. I am a Malaysian, living in Penang, an island at the western part
of Peninsular Malaysia. I am a Chinese boy who is still studying as a high school student in
Penang Free School, the oldest school in South East Asia.
The fact is, I have been involve in the Internet and the Web since 13 years old, one year after
my father bought me my first PC computer. Before this, I was really a computer illiterate or the
one who always play games.
I remembered that my family has been using the computer since the day
I was born (1982). First was an AppleII+. Next was an IBM XT. The first two computers were not very useful
to my family and I. Only when our first PC computer was bought was I ready to invlove myself in
the Computer World.
What are my capabilities in the Computer World? I can assemble computers and their parts.
Programming is another interest in my field. I like designing and creating interface for programming
purposes and also for layout.
This is a little about me. If you would like to know more please do click on the links provided.
I would be very much appreciate those who drop in some comments about my homepage.
Shee Seng Lin
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