A love poem for Fuu

This is a love poem I wrote, dedicated to Fuu.

Fuu- Ai no megamisama desu!
A spring breeze blows caressingly
across lush green meadows
Golden rays of sunshine
flow across fields of fragrant blossoms
Birds sing a cheerful song whilst riding the gentle wind
turning away cares, melting sorrow into happiness
Fountains of clear water glimmer in the sunlight
amidst cool, sheltering glades-
refuge for the troubled and weary
Where is such a place, you ask
You are the sunshine which nurtures good feelings,
a fragrant blossom which pampers the senses
You are the fountain which refreshes during times of dissolution,
the light that showed me the way
You are the gentle wind which rides upon faith and trust-
the one I can count on
You are that paradise- my love for always.

-David Hsing

This poem was later titled "Winds of Paradise"
Thanks to everyone who have encouraged me to write another poem.

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