About Me
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- NAME --- Radlynn Joy Cruz a.k.a. Joylynn
- NICKNAME --- joylynn
- NATIONALITY --- filipina
- SCHOOL --- California State University Long Beach (CSULB)
- MAJOR --- physiology, bio-med
- PARENTS --- They usually go by RADing and LINa... *that's where Radlynn came from and I'm there "Joy".. =) GET IT??? nevermind*
- SIBLINGS --- My brother Ronnel and my dog Kayla who's more trained then me and my bro put together... I think my parents would've been happier with just the dog..... hehehehe!@!@!@!
- INTERESTS --- flying the friendly skies *ShE lOvEs To FlY aNd It ShOwS*, hangin' out with friends, watching movies *No HoRrOr OnEs...ShIvErS*, always eating *NuMmIe...NuMmIe*, shopping, and did I mention taking pictures *ClIcK,bLiNk,FlAsH,aAaH*
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- FAVORITE SPORTS --- volleyball, rollerblading, shopping, dancing, *ahem* and taking pictures... *ClIcK,bLiNk,FlAsH,aAaH*
- FAVORITE FOODS --- chicken *buck..buck..buck*, sushi *Oh BaBeEh I lIkE iT rAw!@!@!*, ice-cream *DiD sOmEoNe SaY iCe-CrEaM?!?!?* and candy *SwEeT fAcToRy..Oh, Oh, Oh!@!@! LeT mEeH iN?!?!?!*
- FAVORITE SAYINGS --- "F#@k MeeH!!!" i better watch what i say..., "BeTcH!@!" "FrIcKeR fRuCk" "DDUUUHH!@!@!" "LoNg BeAcH bAbEeH!@!@!" "I'm DiZzY" and using the words "ThInG aNd ShEyT" when I can't figure something out.... "U kNoW tHat ThInG *describes with hands*, fOr ThE tHiNg *still moving hands*, U kNoW wHaT i'M tAlKiNg AbOuT, rIgHt?!? *shrugs*, tHaT sHeYt FoR tHe ThInG *getting excited...AAARRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!*, Ay NeVeRmInD......
- FAVORITE CHARACTER --- "DiZzY dEvIl and I are very much alike... Actually, my friends think I'm worse... hhhmmmm......"